Why do bodybuilders paint each other before the championship? – 06/03/2025 – Muscle

by Andrea

With the rise of bodybuilding in Brazil, those who did not follow the sport previously began to raise a series of questions. Among them is the one that refers to the skin color of the athletes on the stage. What do they paint and why do this?

Since the bodybuilding championship is basically a muscle contest, judges and audience must clearly view the competitors’ muscles. Therefore, the stage of tournaments is always well lit.

However, excess light can make the image ‘burst’, especially when the bodybuilder has a lighter skin tone. In this way, the athlete’s body is too bright so that the referees see the separation between the muscles and the depth of these ‘cuts’.

The special paint used by bodybuilders before the shows has the function of making the athlete’s body darker. This enables referees and fans to see the physicists presented even with the strong lighting of competitions.

In addition to the skin color of athletes, a questioning of the latest bodybuilding fans is the brightness. Beyond ink, what is passed on the body of competitors?

Alone, the paint in question makes the body of those who use it look opaque. Therefore, most athletes pass a thin layer of oil. This, in turn, gives a brightness and a brighter look to the skin.

Generally, bodybuilders shave and exfoliate the skin before the paint passes. While hair hinders muscle visualization, skin cleansing makes the paint more grip.

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