Radek Tesár
6. 3. 2025
3 minutes
Spring is approaching and the new season of growing vegetables and fruits in your gardens. But did you know that there is a simple way to protect your precious crop from pests? Using ordinary plastic forks, you can cheaply and effectively discourage all uninvited visitors.
Many of you certainly know it. If you live on the outskirts of cities or in a village and have your own garden, it is difficult to withstand the temptation to grow your own vegetables or fruits. Not only does it taste better, but you are sure it is really organic. But as you know, growing your own harvest is not always without problems. In the morning, when you return to your flower beds, you may be triggered by which pests have done overnight. It is undoubtedly a huge disappointment when you see how your hard work comes to nothing.
Many would certainly reach for a chemical repellent to get rid of unwanted pests quickly. But why risk your health and crop contamination? Chemical products often contain hazardous substances that can be harmful to health. So comes another, more gentle option. Have you heard that ordinary plastic forks is enough to remove unwanted visitors in your garden? This simple method is not only effective but also safe for you and your plants.
YouTube video about how you can use plastic forks to protect your garden, can be found on the channel Cil Lawn and Garden:
Source: YouTube
How to use plastic forks in the garden
Start by taking several plastic forks and locating them evenly throughout the garden. Insert them into the soil so that their spikes point up. This simple step creates an effective protective barrier that will discourage pests from your plants. Fork with sharp spikes upwards acts on animals as something that could hurt them and injure them.
Why does it work? Animals like squirrels or rabbits often associate fork with a threat. They avoid everything that could be a danger. So when they go to your garden, they quickly find that there is an unexpected threat in the form of sharp objects that can hurt them once they hurt themselves, they will not return to the crime scene. In addition, thanks to the smell of human hands, they will feel that there is a larger predator in the area, which is better to avoid.
The end of chemical repellents
So if all kinds of pests appear in your garden, there is no need to panic and reach for chemical repellents that can damage not only your crops but also the environment. Instead, try this simple and efficient method that is not only gentle on nature, but Ik of your wallet. Plastic forks are cheap, easily accessible and work great. Remove the pest and you can enjoy the harvest throughout the season.
Sources: www.houSedigest.com, www.greenmatters.com