Your brush is dirty than you think! Find out how to sanitize it correcting

by Andrea

Your brush is a receptacle of dirt and bacteria! Find out how to sanitize it to keep your hair healthy and shining.

Every day you use your hair brush, but do you really know how dirty it can be? Residues of products, dead cells and bacteria accumulate between the bristles, making it a real receptacle of impurities. Even if you whose hair often, if you don’t clean the brush risks Transfer the dirt to your newly washed hair!

The Regular cleaning of the brush Not only extends its duration, but also helps to prevent problems such as oily hair, dandruff and irritation of the scalp. Each passage of the brush can deposit on your hair hair, smog and residues of styling productsmaking hair washing ineffective. If you notice that your hair dirty faster than usual, the problem could be your brush. Fortunately, cleaning it is quick and easy! Find out which are the most effective methods to sanitize it correctly and guarantee always fresh and bright hair.

Because it is so important to clean the brush

The brush is an accessory that you use every day, and for this reason it tends to accumulate an incredible amount of dirt. Whenever you pass the brush through the hairremove dead cells, residues of products for the styling and impurities present in the environment, such as smog and fine dust. All these elements are stuck between the bristles and, if they are not eliminated regularly, turn into a fertile ground for bacteria and mushrooms.

The effects of a dirty brush They can be very harmful to your hair. If your hair appears off, fatty or not very voluminous, it could be precisely because of bad brush hygiene. Furthermore, The accumulation of dirt can make bristles less effective, compromising the rendering of the brushing and increasing the formation of nodes and double points.

For these reasons, it is essential to dedicate a few minutes to cleaning the brush, at least once a week. A small gesture that will make a big difference for your hair!

How to clean the hair brush in a few steps

If you want to keep your brush clean and sanitized, follow these simple steps. Aggressive products are not needed: a few tools are enough you already have at home!

  • Remove your hair stuck between the bristles. Use a wide -toothed comb or twin to remove accumulated hair. This step It is essential to prevent residues from compact and become difficult to remove.
  • Wash the brush with warm water and soap. Fill a basin with warm water and add a few drops of delicate soap or shampoo. Dip the brush and soak it for 10-15 minutes to dissolve the most obstinate dirt.
  • Rub the bristles with an old toothbrush. For a deeper cleaning, use a toothbrush to gently rub the bristles. This will help to eliminate residues of styling, sebum and dust products.
  • Rinse and dry thoroughly. Rinse the brush under running water to remove any trace of soap, then dry it upside down on a clean towel. Make sure it’s completely dry before using it again!

Everything how to clean the brush

The cleaning frequency depends a lot on the use you make of the brush and the type of hair. If you use the brush every day, The ideal is to clean it at least once a week. In this way, avoid the excessive accumulation of dirt and protect the health of your hair.

If, on the other hand, you use the brush only occasionally, Cleaning every 15-20 days may be enough. However, it always checks the bristles and, if you notice dirty or residue, wash it before the scheduled time.

How to keep the brush to keep it always clean

Keeping the brush clean does not only mean washing it regularly, but also keeping it in the right way. Here are some tricks to make it last longer:

  • Keep it in a dry place away from humidityto avoid the formation of mold and bacteria.
  • Avoid leaving her in the bathroom discoveredespecially if you use it for hot showers, since humidity can favor the proliferation of germs.
  • Clean the handle and the base of the brush with a damp cloth To remove any residues of dust or products.
  • If possible, use a case or a case To protect it when you don’t use it.

Following these tips, your brush will always remain in excellent condition and ready for use every time you need it!

How to clean the hair brushHow to clean the hair brush

Now that you know everything about how to clean and keep your brush, Put these tips in practice and you will see the difference in your hair! A bright and healthy hair also starts from clean and well maintained tools.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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