7 best soil recipes for sprouts of all major vegetables

by Andrea
7 best soil recipes for sprouts of all major vegetables

Soil for sprouts is a guarantee of healthy plants and a good harvest. However, different cultures have their own requirements for the composition of the soil, and it is worth considering.

Requirements for ideal soil

The soil must retain moisture to keep the seeds successfully germinated, but at the same time remain air -permeable. Too dense land complicates root growth, so the substrate must be light and fluffy.

For normal development, the soil must contain enough nutrients. Acidity plays an important role – the optimum pH for most cultures is 6.5-7.

It is also important that the Earth is clean from pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores and pests.

soil preparation

The main components of the soil mixture

The following components are used to prepare quality soil:

  • Peat – Makes the soil with fluff, well moisture retains.
  • Compost – enriches the mixture with organic matter.
  • Humus – Provides nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
  • The sand – improves air permeability and substrate structure.
  • Perlitas go vermikulitas – Protects against soil density, retains moisture.
  • Turf land – Gives soil density and stability.
  • Sawdust – Puena mixture, but should be maintained before use.

These components can be prepared in the fall and stored separately or mixed and stored in a cold room.

Seven soil recipes for different plants

  • Tomatoes: 1 part turf land, 2 parts peat, 1 part humus, 0.5 l ash, 3 v. Š. superphosphate.
  • Cucumbers: 3 parts turf land, 3 parts leafy land, 3 parts compost, 1 part vermiculite.
  • Peppers: 1 part turf ground, 1 part sand, 2 parts peat, 60 g superphosphate, 40 g of potassium, 30 g of ammonium nitrate 10 l mixture.
  • Cabbage: 1 part turf land, 2 parts compost, 1 part beige, 2 glasses of ash 10 l mixture.
  • Eggplants: 2 parts humus, 1 part turf ground, 1 part peat, 0.5 part sawdust.
  • Strawberries: 2 parts turf land, 1 part sand, 1 part peat.
  • Universal mixture: 3 parts turf land, 2 parts, 2 parts peat, 1 part compost, 1 part sand, 1 glass of ash 10 l mixture.

Preparation of soil for use

The soil should be treated before planting seedlings. It is added to beige or vermiculite. Dolomite flour or ash can be used to reduce acidity.

Thermal methods (evaporation, heating) or treatment of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate are used for disinfection. Autumn soil is best frozen outdoors during the winter, changing freezing and thawing periodically.

Once you have prepared the soil in advance, you will ensure the ideal growth conditions for the seedlings and you will get healthy, strong plants in the spring.

Photos associative © canva

Source: https://www.bc.ua/

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