Add to porridge instead of milk. The belly will finally be flat and the waist is visible

by Andrea
Add to porridge instead of milk. The belly will finally be flat and the waist is visible

The most popular base for making porridge is milk. The milk base makes it The dish is creamy, but at the same time greasy. For people who care about the line or try to lose weight, it can be a problem. Then it is worth reaching for the alternative.

Equally Porridge is prepared on the water. This version is much thinner and easily digestible. Then, however, it may disturb the slightly sterile taste of the petals themselves. For this reason, some recommend combination of milk and water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Instead of porridge milk, you can add water combined with isolatam Proteins in powder. This version will be lighter and less caloric than milk, and at the same time will have a pleasantly milky aftertaste and creamy consistency. Additionally, thanks to the increased amount of protein saturate more.

We will also replace milk in porridge natural yogurt or buttermilk. In this variant, the flakes will taste best. They will be slightly denser than using water, but they will be distinguished by its taste. The unusual taste and consistency of porridge will also give kefir.

Drinking kefir is a simple way to provide healthy, living bacterial cultures. It is also a source vitamin KA, D and B vitamins. We will also find in the drink calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.

KFIIR on properties Caring for intestinal health. The drink contains natural probiotics that will restore normal intestinal microflora. This will ensure regular defecation and prevent constipation. They will provide healthy digestive processes and reduce the amount of developing gastrointestinal infections.

Drinking kefir will affect the body with antibacterial. Will rebuild Weakened body resistance. It will protect against pathogens attacks and transforming them into larger infections, such as colds or flu. The milk drink can also affect anti -inflammatory. Thanks to this, there will be a remedy for asthma and allergies.

Calcium dose in kefir It will support the health of the skeletal system. Regular drink drinking will increase the density of bone mass, minimizing the risk of damage and fractures. It will prevent osteoporosis or tooth decay.

In addition, drinking kefir will accelerate metabolism, and this will affect faster and better fat burning. In addition, it will provide a small amount of kilocalories to the body, and saturate for long hours. In this way, it will facilitate the maintenance of the designated caloric deficit and will reduce the desire to eat unhealthy snacks between meals.

Kefir can lower the high concentration cholesterol in the blood. This will result in cardiovascular protection. The drink has antiatherosclerotic properties, it will reduce the risk of development, including ischemic disease, heart attack, hypertension.

The combination of porridge and kefir is a proposal Perfect for those who want get rid of unnecessary fat. Oatmeal is a wealth of fiber that perfectly accelerates metabolism. Kefir properties will also affect better fat burning. Eating such porridge will make it every day The belly will become clearly flat, and the waist will begin to be visible and emphasized.

Preparation of porridge with kefir is slightly different from the traditional administration of petals. About 5 tablespoons of petals should be poured 200 ml of cold kefir. Mix everything and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. However, it’s best to leave it for the whole night.

After this time, add your favorite add -ons to the dish: fruit, bran, flavored yogurt, seeds and grains. Kefir porridge is ready to eat.



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