A modification in the PAT (Worker Food Program) is at the discussion table to boost production competitiveness
After announcing a package of measures that will zero the Import Tax rate of 10 products, the president’s government (PT) is preparing more actions to curb the values.
According to the Poder30a modification in the (worker feeding program) is at the discussion table. The turbocharged in the program should be done to increase the competitiveness of the productive sector.
PAT is a program to serve workers. The company that wants to join the program must register to give workers benefits. The Company issues or accredits the acceptance of payment instruments for the purchase of meals in restaurants and similar establishments.
The amount of the benefit paid by the employers registered in the program is exempt from social charges of the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) and social security contribution. That is, the installments funded by the employer to the worker have no salary in nature.
Measures to contain inflation
The announcement of the measures package was made by the vice president and Minister of Development, Industry and Commerce, (PSB). According to him, 10 products will have exemption from the import tax rate.
The government did not report what will be the impact on the value of products or how the tax waiver will cost the public coffers. The Secretary of Economic Policy of the Ministry of Finance, Guilherme Mello, however, stated that, from the point of view of the collection, the initiative will not have a significant weight.
Here are the items contemplated by the measure:
- meat (currently 10.8%);
- Coffee (currently 9%);
- sugar (currently at 14%);
- corn (currently 7.2%);
- Sunflower oil (currently 9%);
- olive oil (currently in 9%);
- palm oil (increased import quota from 65,000 tons to 150 thousand);
- Sardine (currently 32%);
- cookies (currently in 16.2%);
- food masses (currently at 14.4%).
The initiatives must still be approved by the responsible bodies. According to Alckmin, it is difficult to nail a date, but it is a “Question of a few days”.
The government also proposes that the governors of each state ICMS (Tax on the circulation of goods and services) of the basic basket.
The strengthening of Conab (National Supply Company) regulatory stocks is one of the demands, as well as the acceleration of Sisbi (Brazilian Animal Product Inspection System).
Another measure is related to Incentive for food basket food in the crop plan. The government announced on February 24 an extraordinary credit of R $ 4.2 billion to the program.