Nutritionists are often advised not to eat just before bed, as this complicates the body and stimulates the accumulation of unnecessary fat. However, eating some foods, such as eggs, on the contrary, can be useful. Find out what the benefits of eggs are at bedtime and is it worth eating in the evening?
If you only eat protein before bed, you will burn weight while sleeping. This is because egg white is rich in amino acids that promote the production of the somatotropic hormone, also known as growth hormone.
You can also eat meat, fish, seafood and vegetables before bed or night, but it is advisable to avoid root vegetables. Meanwhile, grain and fruit should not be eaten for four to five hours before bed.
Foods that should be avoided in the evening
In the evening, it is important to avoid hard -to -digest foods that can disrupt sleep or stimulate fat accumulation. It is recommended to give up refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta or sweets as they suddenly raise blood sugar and may disrupt sleep quality. Fruits may also be not the best choice late at night, as the natural sugar contained in them can provide energy and obstruct easily fall asleep. It is also worth avoiding fast food, fried or greasy dishes as they can cause indigestion.
Why is it important to keep eating time?
Nutrition rhythm has a major impact on metabolism and overall health. If you eat too late and choose the wrong products, the body may skip the fat burning regime at night as the energy will be directed to the digestion of food. Ideal for the last serious eating to eat 2-4 hours before bedtime to keep the body digesting food, but still receive useful nutrients to renew and recover.
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