Christmas was over and it is still far away by spring. You can replace the Christmas decoration, which thus cozy the interior, with flowering decorative rooms. For which February or March is the right time when they bloom into beauty?
Calcelars chili pantoflíček
(Calceolaria Herbeohybrida)
Calceolaria is an attractive flower originally from mountain forests of Chilean and Peruvian Andes. Depending on the type and variety, the plant is 20 to 40 cm tall with poured flowers of yellow, orange or red, often spotted, the leaves are large ovate to elongated. Growed hybrids were created by crossing several native species. The plant is not too long – it is grown as a short -term decoration in spring and early spring months. It requires a bright habitat without direct sunlight and drafts with a temperature of about 16 to 18 ° C. It will benefit from higher air humidity and due to the risk of rot is not recommended by direct dew on the leaf. A much better option is the use of vaporizers.
An older or Cinderella
(Cineraria bleeding, syn. Senecio hybrid)
It is a typical plant for the pre -spring season and can hardly be found in another season. It is an annual plant and, like the slipper, is grown in the apartment only as a short -term decoration. However, it does not matter at all, thanks to lush flowering and decorativeness will bring great great. Rich flower garments are most often white, purple, blue, pink, or are two -color.
The plant comes from the Canary Islands and grows to a height of about 30 cm. Place her in a bright place in the apartment and give her a regular watering. It hates a cut to which it responds to immediate vigor. If this happens, soak it with the whole pot in a bucket of water and allow to stretch sufficiently moisture. The ideal growing temperature is around 18 ° C, it does not indicate too much heated apartments.
Primula or Primnosenka
Dominates the early spring and spring season. It blooms most in February and March. Of all the species, the most widespread primrose is general (Daisy vulgaris). Other very decorative species include funnel -shaped primrose (Obconica primula);Malacoides Primula) a Primula Kewensis. Primulky are especially suitable for decoration to colder rooms with a temperature of about 15 to 17 ° C. They are not doing well near central heating. However, it does not even in the outdoor box at a time when there is still a risk of frosts. You would damage the unrecovered plants in the greenhouse. Similarly, the strong spring sun is also dangerous, which in turn can burn leaves and flowers.
Water the primulky regularly and fertilize once every 14 days with liquid fertilizer for houseplants. After flowering, do not grow them as rooms. When it warms and stops freezing, put them in a semi -shady place in the garden. The primrose is quite undemanding and does not require special conditions. Other primula species prefer damp and peat soil and are best done near water ponds in the shade.
In early spring you can buy beautiful bells, especially bell (Campanula isophylla) and the Karpatský Blendant (Campanula Carpatica) In white and purple form called “groom and bride”. These are traditional plants of cold interiors – they do well, for example, among the lining windows. They offer a unique spectacle all the time, but it is good to think before further cultivation. Do you have a bell uniform? Offer him a cool room and will succeed. If you have a Carpathian bell, plant it to the rock at the end of April – it will be the best outside.
Grand -leaved hydrangea
The queen of the pre -spring period is beautiful Grand -leaved hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) Especially her blue -flowered cultivars. Hydension in pots is also one of the nice gifts. Due to its massiveness, it often decorates halls, winter gardens and entrance areas. These habitats also offer it suitable conditions. It does not tolerate too much heat and is very susceptible to drying. Acid peat substrate is best suited for cultivation. If you buy it in too small a pot, it is advisable to move it to a larger one. Water regularly and never let the substrate dry. Add a special fertilizer for hydrangeas containing aluminumamon sulphate, which supports the blue color of the flowers to the dressing, which supports the blue color of the flowers.
Flowers can also be used as a decoration after flowering, just cut and dry. You can transplant a blooming hydrangea into the garden, but not before in mid -April. She could freeze because she is rude from the apartment. Even during the April planting, prefer to put it in soil, compost or cover with a non -woven fabric. Before the first winter, indulge in the hydrangea with the same care and provide it with an anti -front blanket. In the following years, this measure should no longer be necessary.
The flower always pleases
14 February is the holiday of Valentine’s Day, the day of all lovers. The most common gifts are flowers, both cut and potted. Of the cut plants, orchids are the most suitable for this holiday. For Valentine you can give them not only to a girlfriend or wife, but also to mother or grandmother.
Epiphytic orchids as the most common moth (Phalaenopsis) require a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C and regular fogging. Once a week, place them in a bucket with standing water into which mix a special liquid fertilizer for orchids.
Beautifully flowering orchids of the species have been increasingly popular lately Vanda, which are grown only in a hanging basket or a glass container in which there is no bark. The inflorescence can have a variety of colors, the most interesting is the blue variant. Growing is similar to a moth, but they still require more attention.
How to take care of Vand?
- Hang it in a bright place without drafts.
- Soak it once a week in a bucket with standing water for several hours so that all roots are submerged.
- Add fertilizer for orchids every two weeks.
- Definitely never bet it in substrates, even if it tempts it.
- It is best in the winter garden or heated greenhouse.
- Despite the summer season, it is advisable to hang the orchid in the trees and regularly soak in rainwater.
O Author
Daniela Dušková graduated from the Secondary School and then a college focusing on gardening and gardening. She enjoys ornamental and utility garden and likes to connect these parts into one whole.
Source: Recipe magazine