The daughter of the convicted sexual predator Dominiqu Pelicota announced on Thursday that She filed a criminal complaint with her father on suspicion that she had sexually abused her and, like her mother, also gave psychoactive substances. The French daily Le Monde reported on his website, TASR writes.
Pelicot’s daughter Caroline Darian said on Thursday in an interview with the French media that she filed a criminal complaint against her father for suspicion from committing ten crimes, including rape and attempt to rape, sexual attack, substance administration, which is likely to worsen judgment in order to commit rape and/or sexual assault.
Dominique Pelicot was sentenced to 20 years in prison in December 2024 for having had his wife Gisele raped at least 50 strangers, It had previously given her a strong anxiety drug that put it into a lethargic state.
Darian, who participated in the hearing in the case of her mother, already during the trial that she declared that She is sure that she, too, was the victim of her father. She also stated this based on the photographs found and captured in the unconscious, dressed only in underwear and lying on a bed she didn’t recognize.
Dominique Pelicot, which was convicted of the expansion of Caroline images made without her knowledge, always denied that would commit an incest toward his daughter. Caroline Darian has challenged it, warning that Her father lied several times during the investigation of the case of her mother.
She added that she was aware that the court must first acknowledge the position of the victim, and that “The way to justice is still long”. She declared that by accusing her father, she wanted to send a message to all victims who have also experienced physical subordination forced by drugs not to give up faith in achieving justice and not afraid to speak.
Judicial process in the Pelicot case in France, but also abroad He reopened the theme of sexist and sexual violence and in the broader sense of relationships between men and women.
Darian has led a campaign with the aim of raise awareness of drugs to commit sexual abuse and wrote a book on the hardships of her family in 2022 called ET J’Ai Cesse de t’appeler Papa (and I stopped talking to you daddy). Her new book on victims of sexual abuse called Pour Que L’O SE SOUVIENNE (to remember) got to the bookstore counters this Wednesday.