In a post on Instagram, Janja said it was inadmissible that women do not have the right to come and go freely
First Lady Janja da Silva said it is inadmissible for women not to have the right to go wherever they want safely. She met on Thursday (6.mar.2025), at the Planalto Palace, with the family members of Venezuelan artist Julieta Martinez, murdered in the Amazon in December 2023. He was accompanied by women Minister Cida Gonçalves.
“We talked about the violence suffered by Juliet and how cases of violence against women have been treated in our country. It is inadmissible that women do not have the freedom to come and go, to travel alone, to live fully without fear and the possibility of suffering some kind of violence ”these.
Janja has stated that he will continue trying to create a safer country for all women: “Let’s continue to create ways that visible women and make our country an increasingly safe place for all of us.”
Understand the case
The Amazonas Civil Police, in January 2024, Thiago Agles da Silva and Deliomara dos Anjos Santos for the murder of Venezuelan artist Julieta Ines Hernandez Martinez. Both will respond for corpse, murder and rape concealment.
Juliet had been missing since December 23, 2023 and his body was found on January 6, 2024, in the municipality of Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas.
The investigation of the case began after a police report was registered on January 4, reporting the disappearance of the woman. According to the Civil Police, the bulletin reported that the victim’s last contact with the family would have been at dawn on December 23, when she would have said she would stay overnight in Presidente Figueiredo, and then go to Rorainópolis in Roraima.
In an interview with journalists on the afternoon of January 8, 2024, the head of the 37th DIP (Interactive Police Station) of President Figueiredo, Valdinei Silva, said that, given the information of the artist’s route, searches were performed in inns in the region to obtain news about the whereabouts of Juliana.
“ [5.jan.2024]we went to the refuge and located Thiago, who said the woman had stayed overnight and followed to the highway ”said the delegate.
According to Valdinei Silva, the same day a resident located parts of the artist’s bicycle and called the police. After the police arrived at the scene, Thiago tried to escape, but was captured. He and his partner were taken to the police station. During the testimonials contradicted, until they confirmed the authorship of the crime.
“The victim was sleeping on a net on the local porch, when Thiago took a knife and went to her to steal her cell phone. They went into a body struggle, he hanged her, threw her to the floor and asked him to delly to her feet. Then he dragged her into the house, asked his wife to turn off the lights and began to sexually abuse the victim. ”said the delegate.
The delegate said that after delioma he saw the scene, threw alcohol and set fire to the 2. Thiago managed to put out the fire with a wet cloth and went to a hospital unit to receive medical attention.
Juliet was hanged with a rope and had his body buried in a shallow grave near where he was.
The couple was arrested in the act on January 5 and had the arrest converted to preventive by the Amazon Court the next day.