The former mayor is engaged in the campaign for lawyer Marco Aurélio de Carvalho, coordinator of the Prerogatives Group, to be appointed by the General Secretariat of the Presidency.
She promised to work with Lula and allied by the nomination.
Her husband, businessman Márcio Toledo, who usually organizes suprapartisan meetings where the agenda is the confrontation with pockets, says that the lawyer is “who best represents the spirit and meaning of the broad front, so necessary and essential for President Lula to rule our country.”
The two main arguments in favor of Carvalho are the fact that he has relationships that pierce the left bubble (although he is affiliated with) and no project to apply in 2026. He would not need to leave the folder in a year, six months before the election.
The General Secretariat has between its functions to do the dialogue with social movements and civil society.
Other names considered are federal deputy Paulo Pimenta (RS) and, as Folha, Psolist Guilherme Boulos (SP) – of which, by the way, Marta was vice in the campaign to the City of São Paulo last year. Nor is the permanence of the current minister, Márcio Macêdo.
For Carvalho Defenders, the eventual appointment of Boulos would reinforce the “leftist” character of the Planalto Palace, especially after the PT president, Gleisi Hoffmann, for the Ministry of Institutional Relations.
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