The Parisian North Station, the busiest in Europe with more than 600,000 passengers daily, is fully paralyzed this Friday after the discovery of a World War II bomb.
The projectile, more than one meter long and intact, was discovered this last night “in the middle of the roads” for some works at Saint Denis, a few kilometers north of Paris, announced the state railway company SNCF.
Traffic interruption affects all high -speed trains, both national and international, which includes Euroles to London, Brussels and Amsterdam, but also nationals. Some of those trains can leave from the Lyon station.
The circulation of regional trains and those of Cercanías of the RER Network, which communicate Paris with their periphery, several of whose lines pass through that station, has also been very affected.
The authorities has sent an explosive deactivation team to neutralize the artifact, and it is expected that the circulation can be resumed during the morning.