Initiatives were announced by Vice President Geraldo Alckmin after a meeting of ministers with entrepreneurs from the food sectors
The federal government announced on Thursday night, 6, a series of measures to try to lower food prices. The subject became one of the main concerns of the Planalto Palace, especially in the midst of the president’s popularity. The measures were announced by the vice president after a meeting of ministers with entrepreneurs from the food sectors. Lula did not participate in this meeting, but first met with the team of ministers to approve all the proposals that were presented today.
See below all measures announced:
Set of tax measures:
Alckmin announced the zeroing in the import tax rate on various foods, they are:
Meat – rate goes from 10.8% to 0%
Coffee – Talk rise from 9% to 0%
Sugar – rate goes from 14% to 0%
Corn – rate rise from 7.2% to 0%
Sunflower Oil – Taler from 9% to 0%
Olive oil – rate from 9% to 0%
Palm Oil – Import Quota was 65 thousand tons and passes to 150 thousand tons
Sardinha – Talk rise from 32% to 0%
Cookie – rate goes from 16.2% to 0%
Pasta Passes – Talk rise from 14.4% to 0%
Alckmin announced priority for food production of the basic basket in the crop plane. To this end, the government is studying to extend to the National Rural Producer Support Program (PRONAMP) the same subsidies that are now directed to the basic basket within the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Farming (Pronaf).
In addition, some important inputs for the agribusiness industry may also be subsidized, according to the Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Farming, Paulo Teixeira. “Of course, besides the basic basket, we saw here that there are some inputs, which are agriculture products, which can be inputs for the industry, which matter. So they will also be subsidized. In this period now, we have seen that the products in Natura maintained their prices. This is already a reflection of this priority and that it will also be extended to medium producers, ”he said.
Strengthening of Conab regulating stocks:
Alckmin stated that one of the measures to curb food inflation will be to strengthen regulatory stocks by the National Supply Company (Conab). He has ensured that Conab will have the necessary resources to, at the right time, make food stocks.
“If I’m very high price I should not enter charging, because I will be one more to increase price. Then you enter when the price drops, then you stock up. It is regulator. Conab has large expertise and will have the necessary resources to, at the right time, make the regulatory stocks, ”he reiterated.
Municipal Slaughter Sanitary System Acceleration:
The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, said that the government will make for one year the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM), responsible for the inspection of animal products locally, equivalent to the scope of the Brazilian Animal Product Inspection System (Sisbi), which grants the National Seal. The measure will be authorized for products that are not at risk of sanitary precariousness, such as milk, honey and eggs.
“We are going to give the effects of SIM for a year for the entire Brazilian territory. Products that are not at risk of sanitary precariousness, such as fluid milk, honey, eggs and some others, let’s give this effect. So, for a year, the SIM system will be equivalent to the Sisbi system, so that we also continue to expand this and giving competitiveness and opportunity to the products of Brazilian family farming, ”he said.
Stimulate advertising at the best prices to help the consumer:
Alckmin announced a partnership between federal government and private initiative to stimulate advertising on the best product prices. “If you studied here with the industry, especially supermarkets, to advertise the best prices, stimulate dispute, favor the consumer, help the consumer. So it is a partnership between government and private initiative, stimulating the price issue, ”he explained.
Phytosanitary questions:
Alckmin also announced that the Ministry of Agriculture will accelerate the analysis of phytosanitary issues. “Sometimes you have a country that cannot sell to Brazil, but will accelerate this analysis of the phytosanitary issue,” he explained.
Plea to governors:
Alckmin also announced a claim for the states to zero the ICMS on basic basket items. “The federal government has zeroed on basic basket taxes, there is no tax on basic basket, but some states, in some products, still tax ICMS. So the appeal is that, as the federal government has also zeroed the tribute on basic basket, which states also zero the ICMS, ”he said. He stressed that the demand will be brought to the governors.
*With information from Estadão Content
Posted by Fernando Dias