. Given that, Spain will accelerate and arrive before the 2% target of GDP before 2029. The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, asked about it in Brussels, has been blunt: “The answer is yes, and next week I will inform all the parliamentary groups [salvo Vox] When he gathers me with them. ” Sanchez has stressed: “It is evident that we must all make an anticipated effort with respect to 2029.”
“In this context, if today the European Commission, in an extraordinary council, has raised new tools and instruments – among them, the flexibility of fiscal rules – so that all Europeans make an effort to invest more and, above all, to invest better with a common diagnosis of the security needs that Europe has, it is clear that we must act,” said Sánchez on Thursday.
Sánchez has not specified what this advance and the metrics will consist of what is counted on what is considered a defense, has been referred to those of NATO, but has clarified that you have to have a “broad” approach, because not all countries have the same characteristics. The president has defended that since his arrival at the presidency of the Government, “there has been an increase in spending in defense of an annual average.”
. The coalition government, in which it is adding and has the support of reluctant formations to increase the military departure, has not promoted that figure and, in fact, in 2023, last year with comparable figures in the Atlantic Alliance, fell to 1.28%. However, the Executive continues to say that he is committed to that objective and in the fiscal plan sent to Brussels in autumn, in which there is an adjustment path to reduce the debt, contemplates reaching it in 2029.
But everything has changed in recent weeks with the arrival of Donald Trump to the White House. His actions on Ukraine, pressing President Volodimir Zelenski to feel to negotiate with Russia almost at any price, have led Europeans to realize that they can no longer count on US security guarantees. So now the pressure increases so that the expenditure in rapid defense increases. “We are in an era of rearma,” the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, came to declare this week when she presented the plan to boost military budgets.
That Brussels plan contemplates relaxing the fiscal rules so that the Member States that are committed to following the arms path do not fear a punishment for breaking them. And although the commission has stated that this possibility was opened for the countries that asked for it, they will finally be “coordinated”, government sources point out. That decision has two virtues: no country is indicated in capital markets – a great help to states such as Italy – and Spain, a country without fiscal margin, can accelerate that rearma process in which it goes so lagging.
According to Immigration Juns
Sanchez has also referred to the agreement reached between PSOE and Juns to delegate immigration powers to the Generalitat of Catalonia, and that does not have enough parliamentary support. “Parliament is what it is, but we will have to dialogue to carry out a law that implies a delegation of powers.” “In Spain there have been up to seven delegations of competencies, some during the Aznar government, and it does not seem that this has broken the country,” said Sánchez, who has insisted that everything will be governed “according to the Foreigner Law.” Asked if this delegation assumes that foreigners will have to learn Catalan, Sánchez has assured that in “in the Constitution the co -officiality of other languages is collected.”
Sanchez has directed a polish to his partner in the government, add, not to mention it. “It is curious that some groups that are saying not to this define themselves ‘plurinational'”, in reference to the denomination of the parliamentary group headed by Yolanda Díaz in Congress. The Division within the ADMAR platform is further complicating the agreement to assign immigration to Catalonia: Compromís rejects the pact between PSOE and Junts by considering that “it pays the frame of the extreme right”, while IU and more Madrid expose their reluctance.