The artificial intelligence has gone to the Popular Party. This Thursday, the formation of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has had to delete a publication after the complaints received by the Foreign Ministry of the Dominican Republic. After the media mediaset program The island of temptationsin which several couples are tested with single distributed in two villas from Punta Cana (Dominican Republic), the official PP account published on Wednesday to generate a video with artificial intelligence. In the images their beaches and protagonists were simulated, but with the face of President Pedro Sánchez; his wife, Begoña Gómez; that of former Minister José Luis Ábalos; His ex -partner Jessica R.; your ex -as Koldo García or Minister Ángel Víctor Torres.
But, in addition, in the video the map of the Dominican Republic was seen next to the country’s flag and the word game with the name of the Tornado program in The island of corruptions. The publication, which has also become viral on social networks throughout the day, has not seated anything well to the government of the Central American State. “The Dominican government expresses its most overwhelming rejection of the avieo and incomprehensible attack on the Dominican Republic in a video broadcast on a digital platform identified as belonging to the Popular Party of Spain. The instrumentalization of the country’s image is unacceptable, denaturing its national symbols, and worse, for internal affairs of Spanish politics, ”says the Foreign Ministry in a statement. “The Dominican government has been recognized internationally for its notable advances in strengthening the rule of law and transparency. We regret this free grievance that does not reflect the historic fraternity relationship between the two nations, ”he adds.
From Brussels, Pedro Sánchez has referred to the controversy of the video on Thursday and has asked for forgiveness to the Dominican Republic. “I have not seen the video, I have not had time, I have seen the press release of a friendly government such as that of the Dominican Republic.” “I feel a lot of shame and in the name of Spain, sorry deeply. The Dominican Republic is an extraordinary country, friend, with whom we have cultural, historical ties … and that Spain appreciates, ”he added in an appearance before the media. “I apologize to the Dominican Republic and the Dominicans. They will have to give answers who have published it, ”he concluded.
The Dominican government expresses its most overwhelming rejection of the avious and incomprehensible attack on the Dominican Republic in a video broadcast on a digital platform identified as belonging to the Popular Party of Spain. The instrumentalization of the image of the …
– Foreign Ministry of the Dominican Republic (@Mirexrd)
After the complaints of the Dominican Republic government in the statement issued in X at 22.13 hours, the PP has deleted the video, which it had distributed through the official social networks of the formation. And he has apologized. “This morning a video was published on social networks denouncing the corruption of the Government of Pedro Sánchez. At no time has it tried to damage the image of the Dominican Republic with a long tradition of friendship and closeness with Spain. ” It is not the first time that the PP generates videos with artificial intelligence, that of the island of Corruptions continues to a long list of publications edited in recent weeks with President Sánchez, his party and his partners in the eye of Mira.
The media battle in social networks worries Feijóo, especially with an eye on young people, a vote ground that sees how ultras is lost. Vox would obtain 24% of the votes of citizens from 18 to 24 years against 8% of the PP in that same strip. In parallel, social networks turn priority to inform themselves of political and social issues, ahead of the traditional media. In Spain, the figures increase: 49% of Spaniards between 16 and 30 years (compared to 42% European average) say they are informed through social networks (especially Instagram). On Instagram, Abascal formation has 772,000 followers compared to 172,000 of the PP. In X, the popular ones are above with 875,700 compared to 618,800 of Vox.