Spain will suffer from Friday, not time, because of the arrival of a new deep Atlantic storm, which will lead to a sum and continue in the rains, although with another distribution. It’s about Borrasca Janawhich has been appointed by the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet) late Thursday afternoon. The Aemet has published this change, which implies that they will continue the rains, but will affect other areas: of the Mediterranean storm that has whipped from Monday to Thursday especially to the east and the southern peninsular, the central and Canary Islands system, will pass over Atlantic storm, with abundant and generalized rainfall, intense winds and maritime temporal in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.
: Andalusia (yellow, minimum, by rain), Asturias (yellow by wind), Cantabria (yellow by wind), Castilla y León (orange, the second level of a scale of three, by rain and yellow by wind), Castilla-La Mancha (yellow by rain), Catalonia (yellow by rain), extremadura (orange for rain), Galicia (yellow by wind and bad sea), community of Madrid) Navarra (yellow by wind), Basque Country (yellow by wind) and Valencian Community (yellow by rain).
Such a map is due to a double attack: instability will still be maintained by the Mediterranean flow in the northeast peninsular quadrant while, at the same time, the storm will be northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. A series of fronts associated with Jana They will begin to enter the west, which will result in “persistent rainfall in the western half”, with accumulated that will reach 40 liters in 12 hours in the central system, Western Andalusia and Sanabria and in the mouth of the Ebro, southeast of the Iberian system and peninsular northeast end.
The greatest intensities are expected “in Western Andalusia, where showers can be locally strong and accompanied by storms.” This storm will entail streaks “very strong wind of southern component, which will begin affecting the western coast of Galicia and the Cantabrian mountain range, and that will be extended to the Galaico-Leonese massif, central system, northern Iberian and Pyrenees”. These gusts will be more likely and intense in high levels and north slopes, without being discarded in the mountains of Toledo and other flat areas of the west third.
He Saturday It will be “the most adverse day of the episode, with the most abundant rainfall” that will affect the Pyrenees, central system, Andalusia and Ceuta, with accumulated that could exceed 100 liters in 24 hours. The most copious rains will occur in Western and Central Andalusia, where they will be locally strong and accompanied by storms. Very strong wind gusts will be extended to all mountain systems, where the 90 kilometers per hour would be exceeded, although they are possible in many other areas of the Peninsula, with the exception of the eastern end.
In the thermometers, there will be a “generalized thermal descent”, with a drop in the snow level to reaching about 1000 meters, which will result in “significant snowfall in the surroundings of mountainous systems from the second half of Saturday”, with important accumulated that in high levels could exceed half a meter, more likely in Pyrenees.
in addition to Ceuta (rain): Andalusia (yellow for rain, wind and bad sea), Aragon (yellow by rain and wind), Asturias (yellow by wind), Balearic Islands (yellow by wind), Cantabria (yellow by wind), Castilla and León (orange by rain and yellow by wind), Castilla-La Mancha (yellow by rain and wind), Catalonia rain), Galicia (yellow by wind and bad sea), community of Madrid (yellow for rain and wind), Navarra (yellow by wind) and the Basque Country (yellow by wind).
He domingothe storm Jana It will begin to lose bellows. “Although rainfall will remain extensive, intensity would decrease throughout the day,” says the agency. The largest accumulated water are expected this day in the northeast peninsular, Alborán and, above all, in the Strait, where they would be locally strong, persistent and accompanied by a storm. The wind will love significantly, although very strong gusts will still be given in Galicia, Cantabrian mountain range, northern pyrenees and, more locally, in coastlines of the southwest and southeast peninsular.
Jana The west peninsular will continue on Monday, “although it will be intensity, with high uncertainty regarding its exact position.” Due to the passage of a stormy train, rainfall in large areas of the territory is expected to continue during the first days of next week, although with the wind going less.