Paulo Novais / Lusa
The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro.
The outburst of the President of the Parish Council of Anta and Guetim, in Espinho, about the new high-speed railway (TGV) railway layout (TGV) is bringing a new embarrassment to the Prime Minister-all because of a farm that is spared from expropriations.
The mayor of the Union of Parishes of Anta and Guetim, Nuno Almeida, lamented that the TGV’s layout in Espinhohe was changed without noticenow being signaled for demolition homes previously indicated as safe.
The situation surprised some local families, which this week were approached by a company affects the project, and who heard from their professionals “that their Houses will be demolished“Nuno Almeida revealed that he was elected by the PS.
Who is saved with this new layout is the Quinta da Gataa property that includes a horsepower and that belongs to the Violas Ferreira Company – Sic Real Estate closed, as the (cm) learned.
The newspaper ensures that this company is “controlled by Viola Ferreira, Relatives of Manuel Violasowner of ”and personal friend of Luís Montenegro, as he assumed in Parliament.
It has the public concession of the exploitation of the game in the Algarve and Espinho casinos and is in the midst of the controversy around the Prime Minister, who led to the current political crisis that can end.
Who is, after all, the owner of Quinta da Gata?
A Quinta da Gata which escapes the demolitions in the new TGV layout in the Espinho area has raised some doubts in the media.
It began by announcing that the Solverde group would be the owner. But then withdrew this information, pointing out that “This connection is not verified”.
Also echoed the news, but ended up deleted the information related to the Solverde group.
However, the CM came that the fifth belongs to “a Family of the owner of Solverde“, Which is part of“Violas Ferreira Family Branch“.
New layout “is not yet definitive”
The initial proposal presented by the infrastructure of Portugal to the in Espinho, would cut Quinta da Gata in half.
But the winning consortium of the international public tender for the work, Lusolav, will have moved the line of “to west”, “affecting the property in the side zone and not in the central”, according to CM.
Lusolav has already ensured, in a statement, that “the layout is under project development” and that, therefore, this new proposal “No [é] definitive[a]”.
The Ministry of Infrastructures also underlines, in a statement, that “it did not have, it does not have, nor should it be aware of this final layout, because, as mentioned, the same It is the responsibility of the concessionaire“.
Already the vice president of Portugal infrastructure, Carlos Fernandes, note, cited by CM, that “the dealer’s layout proposal is different” from this entity, but says that “it is inside the corridor [definido]“.
Socialist mayor says that “it is no innocent error or carelessness”
But in tapir and guetim, there is the revolt with the new idea of stroke. The socialist president criticizes lack of respect for the rights of the population and accuses Portugal’s infrastructure of “continuing without any formal clarification.”
The mayor guarantees that “the stroke that is being the target of registration and topographic survey never discussed with municipalities or citizens ”.
Nuno Almeida also regrets that the teams on the ground that were “hired by the consortium that competed for the construction of the Porto/Oiã section”, are advancing “without the layout being officially approved or presented to the populations ”.
“In the only solution that had environmental approval – the variant“ Vila Nova de Gaia ” – this path simply does not exist“, The mayor also guarantees.
Insisting that “this change arises out of nowhere”, Nuno Almeida attributes the changes to change of government And it says it is “legitimate to question whether it is facing a purely technical choice or if there are new criteria that have not been properly clarified.”
“What is being done to thorn It is not an innocent mistake or carelessness“It also throws the socialist mayor, challenging the government and IP to explain the situation.
However, Nuno Almeida defends “immediate suspension From surveys on the ground until there is a formally approved and validated layout, ”and wants“ public guarantees that personal dwellings, equipment and goods that were previously protected will continue to be safeguarded ”.