The (Federal Supreme Court) formed a majority on Saturday (8) to make defendants involving parliamentary amendments.
The analysis of the complaint presented by the (Attorney General’s Office) is made in the Virtual Plenary of the Court and runs until next Tuesday (11).
The minister, who is the rapporteur of the case, was followed by the ministers and. There is still a remaining ministers and.
The reported federal deputies are Josimar Maranhãozinho (-ma), Bosco Costa (PL-SE), who is currently alternate, and Pastor Gil (PL-MA). According to PGR, the trio requested “consciously and voluntary” the payment of bribe by José Eudes Sampaio Nunes, former mayor of São José de Ribamar (MA).
According to the minister, the investigation obtained evidence that the three parliamentarians and the scheme operators requested payment of bribes as a counterpart to the disposal of parliamentary amendments in São José de Ribamar and other cities of Maranhão.
“I reiterate that, at the time of receipt of the complaint, it is up to the Federal Supreme Court to analyze only the filling of the formal conditions of the accusation, in addition to the viability of the accusation and the existence of a set of minimally reasonable evidence, suitable to enable regular criminal instruction,” said Zanin.
The case occurred in 2020. PGR says deputies requested $ 1.6 million as “counterpart to the allocation of federal public resources”. The amount corresponds to 25% of the total of amendments sent by the three parliamentarians to the municipality of São José de Ribamar: R $ 6.6 million.
Bosco Costa’s defense says that the deputy did not send any amendments to the municipality of Maranhão and that the investigation confirmed that there was no deviation of resources.
“The financial movements pointed out by the investigation in the bank accounts of his wife and son are not related to the destination of parliamentary amendments,” says lawyers Leandro Raca and Danyelle Galvão.
According to the investigation, the deputies decided to send parliamentary amendments to São José de Ribamar already with the objective of extorting the local city hall. The loan shark Josival Cavalcanti da Silva, known as Pacovan, was in charge of the approaches, according to the accusation.
According to PGR, Pacovan even went to the mayor’s house and sending a note to the caretaker in which his name and telephone number was written. José Eudes Nunes, however, refused to pay the bribe. Pacovan was shot dead in June 2024 in murder still investigated.
With the loan attempts, deputies Josimar Maranhãozinho and Pastor Gil “began to act in person to convince the mayor,” according to the accusation.
The Attorney’s Office included a series of messages from parliamentarians to José Eudes, in which they try to mark meetings to “solve” the problem.
José Eudes reported to the police about the intimidation and requests for bribes in 2020. For the PGR, the mayor’s negative to divert resources from the amendments should not rid the accused of the crimes committed.
“The factual picture, as presented, leaves no doubt that the acts they committed, in the various ways in which the participation of each one took place, configures the crime of passive,” concluded the Attorney.
The PGR also presented in the complaint evidence that the same group of parliamentarians and operators acted in the same way to corrupt other municipalities Maranhão.
In these other cases, however, the Attorney’s Office does not deepen the investigation and only shows WhatsApp conversations, spreadsheets and bank transfer records among the accused – to present the context about the suspicions.