Are you fed up with onions syrup? This tea works even better for a cold

by Andrea
Are you fed up with onions syrup? This tea works even better for a cold

The cold season is still ongoing. So let’s know home ways to strengthen the body during infection and alleviate the symptoms accompanying it. For this purpose, it is enough to prepare a white infusion, which is not only very effective, but also tastes good. Preparation of it is extremely simple. We suggest how to do it.

If you want to get rid of colds, it is worth preparing the so -called white brew. It is a drink that combines cinnamon sticks, cloves, ginger, saffron and anise. In addition, we can sweeten this healthy liquid with honey. It will be the perfect combination with spicy flavors, which will allow us to enjoy not only a great healthy, but also with a tasty drink.

The white infusion works as follows our body:

  • Facilitates. – thanks to cloves and anise,
  • improves digestion – thanks to ginger, cloves, cinnamon and saffron,
  • has an analgesic and anti -inflammatory effect – thanks to cloves,
  • warms up – with the help of ginger, cloves and cinnamon,
  • soothes a sore throat – through the presence of honey and cloves,
  • has an antibiotic effect – Due to the content of cloves, ginger, cinnamon and saffron.

Therefore, it is an ideal mix when we are cold. Thanks to this infusion, we will soften the bothersome symptoms and support in the fight against infection.

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Preparation of a white infusion is not complicated. We will prepare one cup of drink from the proportions, so if you want to have more, just increase the amount of ingredients. In addition, it is worth changing their proportions depending on what properties we care about and modify the recipe according to your needs.

To prepare one portion of a white infusion, we will have to equip ourselves with:

  • 3 cm of ginger root,
  • 1 anise star,
  • 3 cm Ceylon cinnamon chicks,
  • 8 cloves,
  • 2 saffron threads,
  • Honey that we add to taste.

The first step is to peel ginger and cut it into thin slices. Then put it in the cup and add the rest of the ingredients (except honey). Pour the whole with boiling water, cover the cup with a plate and brew the infusion for a quarter of an hour. When the drink cools down to about 40 degrees Celsius, only then add honey so that it keeps its properties. The infusion should be immediately while it is fresh and warm.


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