Carnival Minas Gerais received more than 350 thousand tourists in 2025

by Andrea

Number refers to movement in historical cities; Hotel occupation reached 100% in the center-south region of Belo Horizonte

With over 350,000 tourists in the historic cities alone, the Minas Gerais Carnival recorded a 100% hotel occupation in the center-south region of Belo Horizonte, an unprecedented number in the history of the capital. While the south-central center of the capital sold out all the vacancies in hotels and inns, the interior also recorded significant numbers. Cities such as Paracatu, Capitol and the Furnas Region reached 100% occupation, with state average of 90% in hosting establishments.

We are seeing a phenomenon that started a few years ago and has now exploded. The tourist discovered that Minas has carnivals for all tastes“, Said the president of the Minas Gerais Hotels Association, Marcela Drummond.

The intense movement was also felt in the main transport terminals. Confins International Airport received approximately 215,000 passengers between February 27 and March 6. To meet the demand, 182 extra flights were programmed.

In the capital, the official estimate is that more than 6 million revelers participated in the party.

State Secretary of Culture and Tourism, Leonidas Oliveira, celebrated the results, but avoided associating success only with the government. “It is a collective construction that involves blocks, artists, entrepreneurs and, especially, the revelers that embraced the party“He declared.


In Capitol, a region known as “Mar de Minas”, tourists who sought to escape the crowds found options to combine party and nature. “I came to rest, but I ended up enjoying the local blocks too. It is a perfect balance“, Said Rafael Mendes, 34, tourist from São Paulo.

Caparaó Mineiro, traditionally ecotourism, surprised with 100% occupation. Other regions such as Mantiqueira de Minas, Santana dos Montes and Jequitinhonha Valley recorded 90% occupation.

The phenomenon has been accompanied by tourism specialists. “Minas Gerais managed to create its own model, with authentic parties that dialogue with the local identity“Said Tourism Professor at UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Pedro Henrique Costa.

With information from the Minas Agency.

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