Discover the ‘trick’ of home keys to choose the fruit well on shopping

by Andrea
Discover the 'trick' of home keys to choose the fruit well on shopping

All fruits have their “high epoch” and entry in March is synonymous with the arrival of the best apples, oranges, pineapples, pears, lemons and tangerines. However, it is not necessary that these fruits are in their “high time” to find them on supermarket shelves, as they can buy them at almost any time of the year.

Still, the fact that you can find fruits in supermarkets outside your season does not mean that they always have the best quality. What is known is that, often, to ensure the availability of fruits out of the season, it is used to import products from other countries or another technique that attaches to the addition of wax to fruits to improve their appearance and increase durability.

Still, there is a practical method to identify whether or not the fruit has wax and just use your home keys.


Can detect the presence of wax in the fruit with the keys of home

The quota well-being expert Fabius Antal, who gave an interview with Antena 3, where he began to warn of the risks of consuming fruit with additives, stressing then that there is a way to check whether the fruit, especially the apple, is covered with wax. The trick goes precisely to use the house keys to rub the fruit surface before putting it in the shopping bag.

After passing the house keys through the apple, if there is a white residue on the surface, so it means that it was treated with wax.

Greenpeace defends the consumption of fruits and vegetables of the time

This method can be used to start choosing less processed fruits, consuming those that are more ‘natural’. Although all fruits are available in supermarkets throughout the year, the Greenpeace environmental organization warns of the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables of the season. It is that it brings both benefits to the health of consumers and the environment.

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