At this time when the past tenses the present, when the present makes us fear the future, where aggression compensates, where diplomacy is an exception, in which democracy hesits, where politics is battle and players, where decency already counts little, where the word loses meaning, is the strength of the example that still makes us believe.
I just read the autobiography of “Francis”. I confess, I never thought to read a Pope’s biography. Only the time we lived impelled me for this reading. And the idea that we are facing a good man. A transforming and mobilizing man. Someone who carries a message of hope and professes the “culture of the meeting.” And, believe me, it’s worth it.
Francis tells us about dignity, when dignity fades. He tells us about humility when the worship of the ego prevails. Tell us about kindness, conviviality, community, humanity. Tell us horizon, not as a limit, but as openness. There is always a “possible possible”. When a door closes, other doors of open.
We take a path throughout a life, despite everything common, between the migrant family’s assets and the childhood diatribes, the curiosity and the convictions of youth, the learning and the determining friendships, the experiences of travel and the memories of the chosen path. It is cultured, melóman and inveterate reader of all cultures.
Transport us to the times of dictatorship, the dirty war massacres, kidnappings, denunciation, A kiss on the face to mark the victimsthe detention, torture, the disappearance, the bodies thrown alive to the plane ocean, the testimonies, the judgments of the energy and leave the quotation of a poetic text: “The mothers of Mayo Square, women gained by their children, are the Greek choir of this tragedy …”. It was thus in Argentina, Latin America of military dictatorships, in the fascist Europe. A very present past.
Tell us about other seas of ours, traffic corridors, distressed people in fragile barges looking for safe horizons, cold cemeteries without tombstonesof suffering, closing, the absence of mercy, but, above all, the lack of political vision, the inability of anticipation, the difficulty of cooperation. It speaks of the growth of populism, adherence to the easy discourse of rejection, distrust, victimization and blame of others.
Faces with brave words, registered forever in this testimony, current wars, barbaries committed against civilians, attempts at genocide, mentioning that The path of peace has risks, it is certain, but it has infinitely higher risks the path of weapons. He states that it is not possible to obtain results at any cost. Tell us of peace, but of peace with justice.
After all this, it continues to believe, to believe that a different future is possible. Incites young people not to settle. It speaks of climate emergency and the millions of stripped. Speaks of education as the most passionate proof of existence. It speaks of the network and makes a raid for new technologies and artificial intelligence, virtualities and risks, assuming that, also here, The central theme is that of responsibility and education.
Francisco, the Pope of the People, reminds us: “Memory is not just what we remember, but what surrounds us. It doesn’t just talk about what it was, but what it will be. ”
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