Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said on Friday (7) that inflation control will not only happen with the measures announced yesterday by the government, which include the reduction of the import tax of products such as meat, sugar, coffee and cookies. For the minister, the measures are range, but agricultural production, supported by the crop plan, and the exchange rate correction should be more effective in overthrowing food inflation.
According to Haddad, the decision to zero the import tax is not intended to overthrow prices immediately, but to hold the appetite of producers who are intended to climb prices. “There is reach, but there are other factors that will help more to lower the price,” said the Minister of Finance, who did not participate in the announcement of the measures.
He stressed that a “good crop” is half the way to contain food inflation. In parallel, he amended, the dollar needs to return to a civilized level. “So it’s not something that will solve. I don’t believe you have a decision that will resolve inflation, ”said the minister, during participation in the Podcast Flow.
Minister Haddad expressed optimism about relations between Brazil and the United States, despite Donald Trump’s threats that may result in increased tariffs on Brazilian products.
Haddad noted that the exchange of trade and services between the two countries is surplus on the American side, so that it does not make much sense for Trump to enter into a commercial dispute with Brazil. “It would be a whim to get a mess with Brazil. It doesn’t make much economic sense, you know? ”Commented the minister.
Thus, he assessed that the change of government in the United States, despite uncertainties, should not lead to a turn in relations with Brazil, which, pointed out Haddad, had been thriving in the last two years of Joe Biden’s administration. “I do not believe that the change of government will imply a drastic change, because our business relationships are very balanced.”
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The Minister of Finance also pointed out that Brazil is in a favorable position in the international scenario, pointing to the approach with China, with whom bilateral relations, according to Haddad, “could not be better”, and Mercosur’s agreement with the European Union.
For him, there is a degree of global uncertainty about Trump, which, he understands, gives signs exchanged on what he will do, without making it very clear the direction of his policies. But Brazil, he stressed, is in a comfortable situation to circumvent noise in bilateral relations and will also benefit from the “hired” fall of the fall of interest by the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank.