Know all the situations in which you are not required to deliver the citizen card

by Andrea
Know all the situations in which you are not required to deliver the citizen card

The Citizen Card is the main identification document of the Portuguese, replacing the ID card. Contains essential information, such as the name, signature, date of birth and the Fiscal Identification Number (NIF).

As an official and personal document, many citizens wonder when and to whom they are required to show or deliver it.

Should you present the citizen card when you ask you?

In various situations, it may be necessary to present the citizen card to prove your identity. This happens, for example:

  • Before security forces, such as PSP, GNR or SEFwhich may request your identification in inspections or security controls, refers to;
  • In banking institutions and public servicesto address issues such as account opening, signing contracts or requests for official documents;
  • In access to certain servicessuch as notarial records, medical consultations or administrative procedures.

In these cases, it is mandatory to show the document, but it does not mean that you have to deliver it physically or leave it in possession of someone else.

Can anyone keep your citizen card?

The answer is clear: no. No private entity can retain your citizen card without legal justification. Article 5 (3) of the Citizen Card Law (Law No. 7/2007) states that the document is personal and non -transferable. This means that it cannot be seized, retained or kept by third parties, except in situations provided by law.


Common cases where you can ask you for the citizen card

Many people have already gone through situations in which the citizen card was asked as a guarantee for a service. For example:

  • Num hotelat check-in, where they may want to keep the document temporarily;
  • In a gym or equipment rentalsuch as bikes or cars, where it can be requested as a security;
  • In commercial establishmentssuch as mobile phones or repair services, which may ask to retain the document until payment.

None of these situations justify the retention of their identification document, the citizen having the right to refuse to deliver it.

What to do if anyone insists on keeping the document?

If a hotel, gym or other establishment wants to keep your citizen card, it may explain that this practice is illegal and suggest an alternative, such as the presentation of a photocopy of the document or another means of identification.

If the situation persists, it may submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) or contact the authorities.

Care to have with the citizen card

The citizen card has sensitive data, such as the NIF and the social security number. Therefore, you should avoid sharing it unnecessarily or leaving it in places where it can be copied without your consent.

In addition, losing the document can cause problems and, in case of loss, should immediately communicate to the authorities to avoid the risk of fraud.

Remember: the citizen card identifies it, but it belongs to it. Knowing your rights is fundamental to ensure that something is not required that the law does not allow.

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