Narcissists – how to plant them and care for the spring

by Andrea
Narcissists - how to plant them and care for the spring

Narcissists are a symbol of spring, beauty and easy care. These needy plants fill the garden with bright colors and aroma, creating a coziness and warmth atmosphere. Although traditionally narcissists are planted in the fall, spring planting is also possible.

When to plant daffodils in the spring?

Spring planting of narcissists requires a special approach. The bulbs should be planted between April and May, when the soil warms up to 5-7 ° C.

However, in order to compensate for the lack of winter cooling, the bulbs should be stratified in advance-storage in a refrigerator at 4-6 ° C for 6-8 weeks. This will awaken the sprouts and speed up the rooting process.

Spring daffodils usually do not die the same season – they need time to adapt. The first rings will only appear next year. However, spring planting is ideal for regions with harsh winters, where there is a risk of freezing bulbs.

Soil preparation and space selection

Narcissists like sunny places or light shade. It is important to choose a place with good drainage as standing water causes bulbs rotting. For the preparation of the soil, it is necessary to dig a depth of 30 cm and insert organic fertilizers-compost or peat (4-5 kg ​​1 sq.m).

In heavy clay soils, it is recommended to add sand to improve drainage. Optimal acidity for narcissists-weakly acidic or neutral (pH 6.0-7.0). 1-2 weeks before planting, the soil can be treated with mild potassium permanganate solution for disinfection.

How to choose and prepare bulbs?

Choosing quality bulbs is a guarantee of successful growing. Pay attention to the following criteria when buying:

  • The bulb must be dense and elastic.
  • There must be no stains, mold and mechanical damage.
  • Dry shells without rotting traces.
  • The presence of roots on the bottom is a sign of vitality.

The bulbs should be treated for disease prevention before planting. Soak them in pink potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes or use a fungicide. It will protect plants from fungal infections and rot.

Narcissists and their cultivation

Narcissus Planting Technique in the spring

Proper depth and distance between bulbs is the key to successful rooting. The daffodil bulbs are planted in a depth equal to the triple height of the bulb itself-usually 10-15 cm. In light soils, the depth can be increased by 2-3 cm, and in heavy soils to reduce.

Step by step planting instructions:

  1. Dig hoes at the required depth.
  2. Add a thin layer of sand to the bottom for drainage.
  3. Place the bulb on the bottom down.
  4. Fill the hole with ground and easily compact.
  5. Wake the planted place with water.

The distance between the bulbs should be 10-15 cm so that the plants do not interfere with each other and free to share.

Maintenance of daffodils after spring planting

After planting, daffodils require minimal but important care. Immediately after planting, water the bed so that the bulbs are rooted. Later, watering should only be dry air – too high humidity is harmful.

It is recommended to mulch the area of ​​3-5 cm thick peat or compost layer to protect against oscillations and soil drying. It will also help prevent weed growth.

In the spring, daffodils will need fertilization. Insert nitrogen fertilizer 2-3 weeks after planting to stimulate growth. In the summer, plants need phosphorus-containing fertilizers to strengthen the bulbs before winter.

Photos associative © canva


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