Principle of Agreement in Germany between conservatives and social democrats for a coalition government

by Andrea
El Periódico

He Conservative block Formed by the Cristianodemocrata Union (CDU) of the Office of the Foreign Ministry, Friedrich Merz, and its twin Social Cristian Union (CSU) Bávara and the Socialdemocratas They announced on Saturday an agreement on key issues that open the door to start of formal conversations next week for the Formation of a coalition government in Germany.

“We have a joint document that constitutes the basis of the coalition negotiations That they will begin, where appropriate, next week, “said the leader of the CDU, who referred to the three key issues on which a consensus was achieved in exploratory conversations: hardening of immigration policy, finance and labor market and economy.

Merz stressed that all measures to debate carry the “Joint signature“From both parties and that all the above has been agreed jointly.”

“On the basis of this exploratory document, I will recommend to my party, the CDUon Monday and the parliamentary group of the CDU and the CSUalso on Monday, start with conversations for the formation of a coalition with the social democrats, “he said.

He highlighted the atmosphere “Extremely good and very cooperative” in which the exploratory conversations took place, in which there was no lack of discussions on individual issues, he added, but with the joint conviction of the great task ahead and the need for a new government in Germany that has a parliamentary majority.

“We are all aware of the great challenges we face, especially the international situation, but also the European Union and the challenges facing all of Europe, and the question of How to solve the problems we have In our own country, “he added.

Confirmed the plans to harden the immigration policy, which include the Return on common borders In cooperation with European neighbors to reduce irregular migration, the mass increase of border controls from the first day of the new government and the reintroduction of the objective of limiting immigration in the Residence Law.

In addition, family reunification will be suspended for people with subsidiary protection and a Integral return offensivehe added.

For its part, the co -chair of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and head of the Parliamentary Group, Lars Cleverhe stressed that with the joint document achieved after the exploratory conversations, much progress has been made, but not much less at the end.

“In recent days we have demonstrated, through the Confidentialitythe seriousness And also The amplitude of the conversations we have heldthat we agree to answer the great issues of this country. I think we have achieved this in a first step and that is why we will also propose to the social democrats in the meetings of the dome that we now establish coalition negotiations with the CDU and the CSU, “he said.

Klingbeil described as “constructive“The conversations held with the conservative block.

“If, despite principles, views, opinions and also very different characters, we achieved the CDU, the CSU and the SPD to reach an agreement shortly after the general elections in such fundamentally important issues of German, national, European and international politics, if we manage to tend bridges together, then It is also possible in other places in this country “he said.

Celebrated the creation of a solid financial package such as Base to advance the country jointlywith investments in infrastructure, and the agreement for a debt brake reform in the next legislature with exceptions for defense.

“We are investing in infrastructure and our security, probably more massively than ever. And for us, as a social democrats, it was important that we did not do it at the expense of others important areas of our coexistence in this country “, highlighted.

Regarding immigration policy, he said that it should be characterized by a double principle in a country, such as Germany, immigrants: “Migration stories and integration successes must increase and irregular immigration should decrease.”

The conservative block was imposed on the early elections of last February 23 with 28.6 % of the votesfollowed by the ultra -rightist alternative AFD, with 20.8 % support.

The chancellor spd, Olaf Scholz, It was in third place, with 16.4 % of the ballots, followed by The Greens (11,6 %) y The left (8,8 %).


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