Minerva has died on Friday, March 7th. Astrologa suffered from an incurable disease and, unfortunately, the efforts of the doctors were in vain. She was 66 years old, and in recent months, she was admitted to both Bucharest and abroad, including a hospital in Vienna. In January, he suffered an amputation at the hip at the Military Hospital, and was recently treated at Saint John’s Hospital, where, despite the efforts of the doctors, it could not be saved. His death surprised both the close friends and the audience following his astrological forecasts. Before he went out of his life, the regretted astrologer spoke about what the signs are waiting for this year.
Also read: How Minerva looked before he died. The last picture with the famous astrologer
Forecasts made by Minerva before they die
A few weeks ago, the well -known astrologer was invited to Denise Rifai’s show, where she spoke about the signs that have a chance to hit this year. According to her, many people will realize that they want to follow another path in life, and most will choose their direction inspiring from the wishes they had in childhood.
“Except for the fish sign, almost all will give the blow in one way or another. Now not to think that the bank will break or that they will win the billion in the lottery. Many will suddenly wake up, suddenly, they don’t want to do what they have done so far, that they want to do something else. Many will realize that this desire was in childhood, that it was something they were dreaming when they were children. I know officers, prosecutors, judges, doctors who refuse to practice their trades, “said Minerva a few weeks ago at Kanal D.
At the same time, while many signs can expect good opportunities and news in 2025, the year does not seem as favorable for the native fish. According to the forecasts made by Minerva, they will have difficult challenges and obstacles to overcome.
The fish risk losing a significant amount of money in 2025, which is why they must be extremely cautious in finance management. Financial difficulties could create tense moments, and increased attention in economic decisions being needed.
Also read: Mihai Voropchievici, shuddered by the destiny he had Minerva: “Heavy karma”