Transparency Brazil (TB) sent a representation on Friday (7) to the Federal Court of Audit (TCU) for the Court to investigate the creation of a benefit approved by the Senate President, Davi Alcolumbre (Union Brazil). The penduricolho grants one day off for every three worked on the house’s servers. The measure was instituted on the eve of the Carnival holiday.
The organization has classified compensatory license as a “clear affront to the principles of motivation and public interest in administrative acts”. According to IT, the measure was implemented by unilateral decision of alcoholumbre, without any publication on financial impacts and budgetary availability, besides not presenting clear criteria.
Last Friday, 28, the president of the Senate implemented the new work scale that allows certain servers to take a day off every three business days worked. The so -called compensatory license may also be converted into an indemnity payment, that is, an extra benefit that will not be accounted for in the functionalism remuneration ceiling. The measure came into force last Saturday (1st).
They will be entitled to the new benefit servants who perform specific functions in certain areas, such as Directorate General, General Secretariat of the Bureau, Presidency Office and Legislative Consulting and Budget.
Transparency Brazil has asked the TCU immediately suspension of the act and the recognition of its irregularity. The organization also requested that the court determine the publication of the detailed analysis Senate on the financial impact of the measure and proves the availability of resources for its implementation.
In the complaint, the organization also requires the Senate to justify the reasons for the creation of the benefit and to demonstrate that it meets the public interest.
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In a statement, TB compared the benefit to advantages granted by the Public Prosecution Service and the judiciary. The measure is similar to what has been used in courts of accounts and justice to inflate salaries of counselors and judges.
“The feasibility of compensatory license through the Senate replied the Modus Operandi of the Public Prosecution Service and the judiciary, which created this hanging through administrative acts, even contradicting the legislation,” he said.
According to the organization, the cost of compensatory license in the courts has reached almost $ 1 billion in less than two years.