Tens of thousands of women and people LGTBIQ+ have manifested this Saturday, March 8 in the main cities of Latin America in repudiation of sexist violence and against the reactionary wave headed in the region by the president of Argentina, one of the most massive mobilizations paraded precisely towards the Plaza de Mayo of Buenos Aires “against fascism, racism, patriarchy and capitalism”. The organization or less called to “face the ultra -right that governs hungry, at the blow of looting and cruelty.” “Milei’s scam has replicas in the world and harvest applause by billionaires,” the group wrote in their social networks in reference to the cultural war undertaken by Donald Trump and in the United States and the extreme European right.
The International Women’s Day Marches in Argentina have this year as a history of the demonstration of February 1 convened to reject Milei’s intervention in the Davos World Economic Forum, where he launched an offensive against equality policies when talking about the “disastrous gender ideology” and “radical feminism” and even linked homosexuality with pedophilia. Days later, and gender parity laws.
The Chileans also joined the call against the ultraconservative agenda. Thousands of people claimed in Santiago to the first in Latin America in declaring themselves “feminist”, a greater deepening of gender struggles and opening the debate on free abortion, still a taboo for the majority of the political class of the South American country. “Women and dissidents continue to be the most convening social movement in Chile. In Santiago, only in the morning, half a million people have taken to the street against the fascist offensive of the ultra -right and to continue driven deep transformations, ”said the spokeswoman for the 8M feminist coordinator and the articulation for the general feminist general strike 2025, Javiera Mena. “We march today also pointing to a government that has prioritized impunity and repressive agenda rather than legal abortion, decent pensions and the right to housing,” he continued.
Just this Saturday, the Chilean Executive had announced a constitutional reform project to “eliminate the gaps” between men and women in the electoral system, as well as legal changes that establish the obligation that the multi -person lists (to the legislative, regional and municipal councils) are headed by women and alternated between both genres.
In Peru, the feminist movement focused its demands that it describes as “authoritarian coalition” and Congress, one of the most discredited institutions in the country, which was wrapped in recent months in a prostitution scandal. Rocío Gutiérrez, one of the spokespersons of the mobilization, stressed in statements to Efe that a test of the recoil is the intention of the Executive to make “the Ministry of Women disappear” to merge it with the development of the development, and the “multiple aggressions” by the conservative groups of the Congress by exercising pressure and threats against human rights defenders or against feminist organizations.
One of the countries of the world with more gender violence, shaken daily by femicide hell, has been governed for five months and for the first time in history by a woman, Claudia Sheinbaum. This Saturday has been the presidency. The characteristic friction of previous years, with Andrés Manuel López Obrador in the National Palace, have lost intensity in this March 8. Sheinbaum has raised one of the messages with which he arrived at the government, “we all arrive”, an inclusive call, despite the criticism of some groups, none as hurtful as that of the relatives of missing persons, a tragedy that, for the moment, the government fails to stop, they report Zedryk Raziel y Pablo Ferri.
The Colombians also demonstrated in the main cities of the country under the slogan “for the dignified work and life, advanced feminist and collective resistance!” And its president, Gustavo Petro, who has received criticism, for decisions and macho behaviors within the Government, has launched a message of support to Sheinbaum from social networks. “I think that Claudia’s choice, the really, to the presidency of Mexico, is the Albur of the true independence of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is the time, really, true, of the Latin American Unit as the great lighthouse of the freedom of humanity, ”he wrote in his X account.