An anabolizing laboratory in the house bathtub | Spain

by Andrea

The leader of an organization dedicated to the manufacture and illegal sale of Anabolizantes in had installed the center of his business in the bathroom of his house, specifically in his bathtub. There, among lime remains, the police found laboratory supplies, such as precipitation vessels, with which he illegally prepared injectable drugs to burn fat and define the muscles that made him obtain profits that were around 15,000 euros per month, according to police estimates.

The National Police has arrested 11 members of this organization who carefully chosen their buyers and limited their sales to the Valencian province not to be discovered. Success made them consider creating their own brand, with an attractive label, with which to expand the business, but the police intervention truncated the plan. All have already passed before the judge as investigated for belonging to a criminal organization and for crimes against public health. The arrests, framed in the so -called Falla operation, occurred approximately a month ago, but have not transcended until Sunday because there were pending proceedings.

The alleged manufacturer of the anabolizers is a man of about 40 years who had already been arrested as responsible for another clandestine laboratory that he sold at the national level. “It is self -taught,” explains a knowledgeable source of the operation, developed by the agents of the consumption, environment and doping section of the General Judicial Police. The researchers had not forgotten him and he didn’t seem to do it either, since, when he became part of this illegal market, he did it in a much more cautious way. Their collaborators only sold to acquaintances and deliveries were made in hand or by shipments.

More than to increase sports performance, customers acquired these anabolizers for aesthetic reasons, to quickly achieve the physicist they were looking for. In the conversations with the investigated, the buyers told them in the phases of use of these products in which they were. Being synthetic versions of testosterone, but consumed in dose up to 20 times higher than medical use, because it occurs in specific times, between two or three months, and then leave a break. “Some talked about the fact that they were in drying phase,” explains the source consulted, referring to the moment they seek to lose fat so that the muscles are more defined.

The use of these products without medical supervision has contraindications, which require, for example, of liver protectors or drugs to counteract acne or erectile dysfunction, among others. All this is a cocktail to which, if they also add the risk that they have been manufactured clandestinely, it can only increase the already high danger to the health of those who consume them.

The anabolizers who sold, despite the circumstances in which they were manufactured and the risks they entail, were successful among their clients. Therefore, the distributor offered to the manufacturer expand and create his own brand. “Vials with the injection solution only indicated the content, such as Anavar [un esteroide anabólico sintético que se usa para el aumento de masa muscular y mejorar el rendimiento físico] or peptides [también empleados para que crezca el músculo, la masa o reducir la grasa corporal]”, Detail. The next step sought to increase market share.

In addition to the manufacturer, among the dozen arrested are distributors, redistributors or collaborators, according to the investigations. The agents intervened up to three kilos of 44 anabolic products that, according to police calculations, could serve to make three million doses. They were also seized of more than 300,000 prepared doses, thousands of vials and empty capsules, laboratory equipment such as centrifuging or encapsulants, and more than 4,300 euros.

The active substance of these substances was achieved in Asian countries and when they received it in Spain, camouflaged in small packages, they declared that it contained flour, pasta or nutritional accessories. The manufacturer spent long periods of time at home, where he barely left. In the laboratory mounted in the bathroom, it mixed the raw material with oils, dyes and other substances. The place did not gather “minimal hygienic conditions” to manufacture products that consumers were injected, the sources mentioned affect.

The dismantled laboratory in the operation accumulated material to produce three million doses of anabolizing and steroids, according to police calculations.
The dismantled laboratory in the operation accumulated material to produce three million doses of anabolizing and steroids, according to police calculations.National Police

Last May, various organizations specialized in medicine and sports, such as the Spanish Society of Medicine in Sports, or the State Anti -Doping Agency (Celad), of the use of anabolizing steroids and demanded efforts for their eradication. They warned that their use is widespread and that it seems that its consumption is “progressive” and is increasing. In that call, they considered “worrying” the consumption data in young Spaniards (students of secondary studies), who have as and their prevalence (consumption at some point in their life) is 0.7%.

The business they generate is “huge dimensions,” they said. The cost of 12 weeks cycles can range between 450 euros to 1,500, although depending on the amount of products consumed and the purchase place, it can reach 3,000-3,500 euros. The way in which they are consumed, with large doses and combining many products for long periods of time, cause many side effects, including death.

“In these cases there are not many complaints because buyers are the main interested ones in which it does not transcend and that is an added difficulty,” detail the police sources consulted. When the police receive a complaint it is because there are serious damage or even deaths.

The section responsible for investigating these crimes is part of the central unit of specialized and violent crime of the National Police and in addition to doping, addresses the cases of crimes related to consumption and the environment. In 2024 they carried out 22 police operations in which they investigated 200 people. Only the groups specialized in consumption and doping concentrate 122 of the 200 arrests, according to information provided this Sunday by the Police.


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