Some military personnel arrested for the 2022/23 coup believed they would be released after the Attorney General’s allegation. , and nothing.
Bolsonaro will not pay jail
If convicted, you will not pay a single jail day. It will go to an embassy and ask for diplomatic asylum.
In February 2024, he already, but did not ask for asylum. If he asked, he was in danger of staying there for a while, until the Brazilian government granted him a generous save-conduct, as Hungary (such as) is not signatory to the 1928 Havana Convention, which regulates the diplomatic asylum.
If you decide to go to the Argentina embassy, the granting of the asylum is certain and the saved conduct should not take long.
The diplomatic asylum is a Latin American spice and can be granted to the citizen who enters a signatory to the convention’s country and declares himself a political persecuted.
Pressure on Tarcisio
By the ride of the carriage, the PP of Senator Ciro Nogueira and will have a candidate for president in 2026.
Nogueira does not hide his preference for the governor of ,.
Tarcisio insists that he intends to dispute reelection. Allies like Nogueira believe, but they are certain that he would not resist in a scenario where he would have a strong support base, disrupted by research to his advantage and adverse to the government.
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