Robert Maudsley
The prisoner, who is known as the most dangerous man in the United Kingdom, has been in solitary prison for 46 years. Maudsley is hungry strike after the guards have taken several objects due to suspected smuggling weapons inside the prison.
Robert Maudsley, the famous British series killer nicknamed “Hannibal the Cannibal”, started a hunger strike After prison guards of Wakefield prison West Yorkshire, they confiscated their personal effects, including a PlayStation, a television, non -fiction books and a music system. Maudsley, 71, who has been in lonely for almost 46 years, is furious, according to his brother Paul Maudsley, 74.
Maudsley holds the World Lone Confinement Recordbeing in a glass cell specially built for the purpose since 1983. The cell, which measures 5.4 meters by 4.5 meters, was designed to separate it from the rest of the prison population and condemned spends 23 hours a day inside.
Its situation results from a history of violence that began in 1974, when it was first arrested for having Murdered the abuser of children John Farrell. Maudsley killed three more prisoners, targeting men who considered violators and pedophiles, which led him to be designated as the most dangerous prisoner in Britain.
Paul Maudsley described his brother as usually educated, but said he was distressed when they removed his belongings. “He was again what he was 10 years ago, when he had nothing to stimulate him,” Paul told. “Loves to play war games and chess In your PlayStation and is always watching old movies on television and reading factual books. ”
Maudsley informed the brother of the hunger strike on a tense call, saying, “I’m going to hunger strike, so don’t be surprised if it’s the last time you call you.” The family believes that the situation was triggered by an “operational exercise” in Wakefield prison on February 26, during which cells were searched following a denunciation of gun smuggling to the prison. While the main arrest worked again normally, the Maudsley section did not, which led to the confiscation of its belongings.
The family has not been able to contact the prison authorities to obtain an explanation and is deeply concerned with Maudsley’s welfare, fearing that without his pet objects, he may have difficulties in maintain your mental stability. “We are very concerned about him,” Paul said, saying that Maudsley has not contacted them since the start of the hunger strike.
The Ministry of Justice declined to comment. Maudsley, who has previously described his cell “as if he were buried alive in a coffin”He became the oldest prisoner in the United Kingdom after the death of Moors’s killer, Ian Brady, in 2017.