The measure arose after comedians complained of not being able to connect to the public due to their “frozen” faces.
One of the UK’s main comedy clubs, the Top Secret Comedy Club, announced the prohibition of people with botoxinvoking comedians concerns about “without reaction” faces at the hearing. This bold measure aims to preserve the animated atmosphere and authentic involvement of the public, which is the basis of the stand-up comedy.
The Top Secret Comedy Club, known for receiving renowned comedians such as Jack Whitehall, Amy Schumer and Dave Chappelle, began to apply the ban on her Drury Lane and Kingsway facilities in London on 5 March. Club owner Mark Rothman described the decision as a “last appeal” after Repeated complaints from artists.
Rothman explained: “Our incredibly talented comedians are fed up with Act for faults without reaction. Comedy thrives with the connection, and facial expressions play an important role. We want people to laugh, cry, frown, and make a jump, but Botox frozen faces affect the entire atmosphere. ”
Botox is a toxin that temporarily paralyzes the muscles Facials to reduce wrinkles have become increasingly popular, especially among young people. One million Botox procedures is estimated to be performed in the UK every year. However, the increase in its popularity has led to unexpected challenges to live shows, where reading feedback on public faces is critical, says.
Comedian Andrew Month, who operates regularly at the club, supported the ban, stating: “Comedy It is a two -way road -We feed on the energy and reactions of the public. Acting to an audience with a frozen face can be incredibly difficult. ” Comedian colleague Paul Chowdhry added in humor: “My face barely moves on stage – I wouldn’t want to see the same thing Looking at me. ”
With this change, security guards at the club’s door will perform identification controls and “expression tests”To detect signs of botox use. Rothman stressed that the club is taking this policy seriously: “If it is surprised, we need to see it! We are looking forward to welcoming new and old guys who can still move in our space soon. ”