Cleaning the face is an important stage in care, regardless of whether you wear makeup on a given dayor not, this step is extremely important. It helps to get rid of numerous impurities that can cause various skin problems.
During the evening care, many people wash their face very quickly – sometimes for just a few seconds, and this can contribute to skin problems. According to the principle of 60 seconds, the face must be washed for at least a minutethanks to this, you are able to cleanse the complexion of various dirt and makeup remnants accumulated during the day. Importantly, before applying this practice, if you wear makeup, it is worth washing it first, apply this principle to the pre -cleaned face or without.
When washing the face, various cosmetics are used. Foams, gels or emulsions so that they can work, they must be a little longer than a few seconds. Therefore, washing for a full minute during evening care will be effective. Longer skin cleansing time after a whole day allows you to get rid of impurities thoroughly – they do not accumulate on the face and do not close the pores. Of course, it is worth choosing washing products tailored to your needs.
In addition, cosmetics used in later stages, among others. Creams or cheese will be able to better absorb into cleansed skin – Their action will be more effective.
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In addition to thorough cleansing of the face, washing for a minute can also have a positive effect on blood circulation and firm the skin. Thanks to this, it will be visibly smoother, and better absorption of cosmetics will make the wrinkles become a smaller problem. To strengthen this effect 1-2 times a week, it is worth using a sonic brush. This device allows for better purification of pores. The use of the 60 second principle will allow you to thoroughly cleanse the skin, which is very important in the fight against various imperfections and blackheads.
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