The ministers of the Lula administration will be called to contribute to the basis of their political project in next year’s election.
General coordinator of the text, which has been played by the Ulysses Guimarães Foundation, linked to the subtitle, former Minister Aldo Rebelo marked a meeting in Brasilia in which the project’s general lines will be presented to the MDB benches in the House and Senate and the party ministers: Renan Filho (Transport), Jader Filho (Cities) and Simone Tebet (Planning).
“Everyone will participate,” says Aldo, who says his will not disturb the dialogue with the Lulista wing of the subtitle. “I am more closely with the party ministers than with Bolsonaro,” he says, remembering his old friendship with Calheiros and Barbalho, for example.
The document, called “Brazil needs to think Brazil”, refers to a famous party text, “Bridge for the Future”, 2015, which served as an intellectual basis for the Michel Temer government.
“President Temer’s legacy will be an important point of debate,” says the coordinator. The former president must contribute to the project, especially in the defense of semi-presentialism, a theme that has been his flag in recent years.
Aldo says the text now is not necessarily designed for a presidential candidacy in 2026, a point that will be debated in the future by the party. beyond those who dream of their own candidacy.
But, he points out, every caption seeks national protagonism. “If the party has no power project, what is it for?” He says.
The idea is to have the document ready in late September. There will be regional meetings, and the first is scheduled for March 24, in Paraná, as well as conversations with experts. On April 1, ambassador Rubens Barbosa will speak to the party about foreign policy.
The text will not only be focused on the economy, says Aldo, but a complete project in several areas. “There are three general axes: resumption of development, reduction of inequalities and consolidation of democracy,” says the coordinator.
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