Never cut this next to tomatoes. Otherwise the yields will be poor

by Andrea
Never cut this next to tomatoes. Otherwise the yields will be poor

The company in which we plant the plant data, and what connections we do not use, it has a great impact on their growth, as well as the quality of crops. Some species have a positive effect, and others quite the opposite. Therefore, it is worth knowing what plants do not plant tomatoes, and next to which we can easily place them.

When planning the decay of our garden, it’s worth knowing that There are favorable connections in the coordinate of cultivation, thanks to which our plants will grow better and give satisfactory crops. What’s more, the appropriate neighborhood for given specimens also affects later taste.

We must at the same time take into account that Some vegetable species affect each other negatively and should not be planted side by side. This is due to the fact that:

  • These plants mutually reduce the amount, as well as deterioration of the quality of crops.
  • Some specimens limit others access to light and thus create conditions conducive to diseases.
  • Some produce and secrete compounds to the ground, inhibiting the growth and development of other plants. It can also hinder germination or cause vegetable deformations.
  • Incorrect neighborhood can also increase the threat of diseases and attract pests. This happens especially often when the species planted next to them are susceptible to infecting or are hosts of the same species.

Therefore, when planning cultivation, it is worth knowing what not to plant next to it to enjoy abundant crops later. First of all, the company of high plants should be avoided, which could limit access to lightand also worsen air circulation. This would make tomatoes more vulnerable to fungal diseases.

Besides Tomatoes develop badly in the vicinity of potatoeswhich results from an increase in the susceptibility of both crops to the potato plague. Let’s also avoid planting tomatoes next to peppers or cucumbersbecause these species are often attacked by the same diseases. Koper, beetroot or broccoli will also be bad company.

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Incorrect neighborhood may have a negative effect on crops. In turn, a properly selected company for tomatoes can affect them well. One of the most recommended connections is to place tomatoes and basil next to each other.

Thanks to this neighborhood, tomatoes increase much better because basil aphids, spider mites and greenhouse flour. In addition, it attracts bees that pollinate tomato flowers.

Except basil We can sow garlic and onion next to tomatoes, because they will scare away the pest with their smelli. A good idea is also to place a lettuce, spinach or carrots nearby.


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