Scientists from Vietnam acquired a giant crustacean fishermen and were surprised when they noticed that it is a unknown species. The researchers bought the animals to study their increase in their popularity in the country as popular food.
Bathynomus vaderi has a head -like head of Darth Vader’s helmet; what do you think? (Image: Stefano Buttafoco/Shutterstock)
The new species, which belongs to deep water, was called Bathynomus Vaderi. The idea of the name came from resemblance of the animal with the helmet villain Darth Vaderfrom the Star Wars movie franchise.
B. Vaderi is culinary delicacy in Vietnam (image: Playback/Zookeys)
Characteristics of the “Darth Vader” crustacean
- B. Vaderi reaches incredible 32.5 cm long and weighs a kilo;
- He is one of the largest known isopods;
- Differs by ter 11 thorns curved for top no pleotelso;
- Is the second supergent species registered in the Southern Sea of China;
- The exact habitat of the creature It is uncertainsince the fishermen said they captured the animals in deep water near the Spratly islands, according to the .
Consumption of the animal is on the rise in the Asian country
In seven years, the crustacean, called bo biên or “marine insects” by Vietnamese, it became fashionable in Vietnam, becoming true culinary delicacy. The animal It was even compared to the lobstergiven the quality of your flesh.
With the growth in the search for B. Vaderi, Your fishing also increased. They are Vivo Sold In markets and restaurants, and can be kept in cold water tanks.
In the capital of Vietnam, Hanoiem 2017the crustacean came to be valid $ 80 ($ 461.45, in direct conversion) per kilo. Currently, depending on the size, ranges from US $ 27 to $ 40 (R $ 155.74 and 230.72).
On social networks, there are several advertisements of the animal’s sales created by sea fruit stores. When the customer buys, Receive B. Vaderi alive and in an ice box.
For now, they were detected 11 “supergigant” species e Nine “Giants” from Bathynomus. However, There are several otherthat still depend on analysis to be disclosed.
When we talk about the sex of this crustacean, the species B. James It has the longest and heaviest male: 41 cm and over 2.6 kgrespectively, making it The largest supergent and largest isopod known in the Western Indo-Pacific.
The new species was described in an article published in January 14in the scientific journal ZooKeys.