Mixed eggs are a proven classic that is not missing in Czech cuisines. Everyone can do them, but believe it or not, most people prepare them by escaping their full taste potential. The well -known chef shared a simple trick that will turn ordinary eggs into a cream delicacy. Just add a single ingredient.
Everybody knows the classic way of preparing mixed eggs. Whisk eggs, pour into a pan, mix quickly and flavor. But here most people make a mistake. Too high temperature and hasty preparation leads to eggs dry and crumbly. The key to a perfectly fine and fluffy structure is cooking over low heat and the right combination of raw materials.
For a video from Yummy pH with advice on how to make creamy mixed eggs, check out youtube:
Source: YouTube
The magic of a single tablespoon of cream
The chef’s trick is surprisingly simple. Just add a tablespoon of whipping for whipping just before the preparation is complete. This step gives the eggs a luxuriously fine and velvety consistency. Smetana must not be added too early, otherwise water will separate from the eggs and the result will not be so perfect. If you want even more taste, you can also try sour cream or possibly ricotta, which gives a slightly sweet taste.
“Thanks to the cream, the mixed eggs have softness and lightness that will satisfy even the most demanding gourmets,” emphasizes the chef of Svejkovského troughs.
A procedure that everyone can handle
Put a piece of butter on the pan and heat it to the lowest level. Do not rush, slow preparation is the key. Pour the shaky eggs into a pan and gently mix with a silicone spatula or wooden spoon. Allow them slowly thickens. Stir patiently and wait for the right moment. Once the eggs have started to solidify, remove the pan from the fire and mix. Only now season with salt and pepper.
Mysterious ingredients will amaze you
Add a tablespoon of cream and mix again to combine beautifully with the mixture. You will see that you haven’t eaten anything so delicious yet. On the plate you can decorate with chopped chives or fine grated parmesan for extra taste.
A delicious breakfast like a luxury restaurant
The result of this simple procedure is an incredibly creamy, soft and taste -balanced mixed eggs that you will never want to do differently. This little trick will surely change your breakfast into a gourmet experience. So the next time you prepare eggs for breakfast, try this method and see that the difference is really noticeable.
Source: www.youtube.com, www.svejkovokoryto.cz