Raspberries love such company. Plan in March, and you will not keep up with collecting fruit

by Andrea
Raspberries love such company. Plan in March, and you will not keep up with collecting fruit

When planning your garden, it is worth considering the neighborhood for plants and placing next to them specimens that will affect them well and support their growth. This also applies to raspberries. We can plant a shrub next to them, which will make the plant to sprinkle with tasty and prosperous fruits this year. Check what to plant next to raspberries.

What plants we will plant next to each other in the garden have a huge impact on their condition and later yields. Thus, wondering what to plant a wheel of raspberries, It is worth choosing American blueberry because it is a perfect duowhich greatly affects. These plants support each other.

Blueberry roots in addition produce substances that support the development of useful microorganisms in soil, which allow you to break down organic matter and increase the availability of nutrients for plants. This means that the raspberries grown next to it, they absorb phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen betterwhich translates into their health and the abundance of crops.

In addition, both of these species have similar soil requirements, so the cultivation of them next to each other is simpler. They grow best in acidic substrate with a pH of 5.5-6.5. which abounds in humus and is well permeable.

Planting blueberries next to raspberries will not only positively affect the soil and improve the absorption of nutrients. This solution will also make it We will provide raspberries with natural protection, because microorganisms developing in the soil at blueberry roots help fight harmful pathogens.

This reduces the risk of fungal diseases, such as gray mold. What’s more, Blueberry produces chemical compounds that deter some pestsreducing the risk of their attack.

The neighborhood of blueberries will make raspberries less susceptible to diseases, thanks to which we will enjoy healthy and abundant harvest, without using a large amount of plant protection products. In addition, the blueberry is higher than raspberries and has dense foliage, thanks to which it covers raspberries from the wind and mechanical damage. In addition, in summer, its cover prevents excessive evaporation of water from the soil.

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Wanting to enjoy abundant collections, It is worth planting raspberries and blueberries in March. This is the perfect time for this treatment, because the soil begins to heat up, and the plants will calmly root before the growing season.

Remember, however, that Choose a sunny position and shielded from the wind. In addition, let’s take care of proper soil preparation, enriching it with compost and acid peat. When planting, be careful to maintain the correct spacing between plants. Blueberry is best planted at a distance of about a meter from raspberries so that the specimens have space for development.

After planting the bushes, let’s take care of them regularly. This is especially important especially in the first weeks after the procedure.


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