The level of the Iaco River and the Purus River began to show signs of ebb in some riverside communities of Madureira Seine, bringing some relief to the residents of the lower areas of the city. According to reports by resident Leila, from the New Destination Community, the Iaco River already demonstrates a reduction in water volume.
Rio Iaco in Sena Madureira has ebb, but level still exceeds a warning quota. Photo: Contilnet
Sebastião Brás, resident in the Boca do Iaco community, also confirmed that the Purus River recorded a small retreat, which has reassured the riverside and residents of the urban area living in vulnerable regions to floods.
Despite these encouraging news, the Municipal Civil Defense subcoordinator, Carlos D’Ávila, said Rio still records a high level. According to him, the river has risen five centimeters in the last hours and, this Saturday, scored 14.17 meters, exceeding the 14 meter alert quota.
Since last Saturday (8), there are no rainfall records in the region, which can contribute to the stabilization of river levels in the coming days. The Civil Defense continues to monitor the situation and guides the population to remain attentive to new bulletins.