Svehly ordinary are unwanted guests in the home. They prefer damp and dark places, making them a great space for them. Although they do not bite and are not harmful to human health, they can be extremely annoying. To get rid of them, you do not have to reach for the products from the store, because you can prepare an effective trap yourself at home. Find out exactly what you need to do.

St.Ehly ordinary are small, silver, night creatures that like damp, dark places. Often you can meet them in the bathroom, kitchen or cellar. Even if they are not harmful, they are not the favorite creatures. On the contrary. They can be persistent, so it is good to know how to treat them.

How to make a trap on the snake? Need a glass container and tape

Svehla ordinary feed on cellulose, starch and sugar, so although they are not dangerous to humans, they can cause some damage in your house. Among other things, they pose a danger to books, documents and fabrics. Moreover, their presence is not pleasant, so it is better to deal with them effectively. Especially because it can be done in a simple, domestic and ecological way.

For this, use a glass container, tape or paper towel, as well as potato starch or sugar that attract fish. These pairs of products will create a trap whose effects will be noticeable after several nights. So how do you make a home fish trap?

  • Pour 1-2 teaspoons of flour, sugar or starch into a glass container with smooth walls.
  • Cover the outer part of the container with a tape or cover it with a paper towel to make it easier to pee -left -in.
  • Place the prepared container in the bathroom, preferably where you can see the fish most often. In the temptation of the bait, they get into the container and will not be able to get out through the smooth walls.

What else will work on Švehly ordinary? Home means to solve this insect

The problem with the seams can be extremely unpleasant, especially in spaces such as bathroom or kitchen. It is good to know other natural solutions to help effectively get rid of these insects.

One of them is the use of lavender, lemon or eucalyptus fragrance oil. Švehly do not like strong odors.

  • Effectively discourage them by creating a solution from a few drops of oil and water and subsequently spraying on the skirting moldings and corners.
  • Similarly, the use of cloves and cinnamon, which have an intense aroma that the fish cannot bear.

In addition, it has been shown that vinegar helps to combat the snake.

  • Wiping with a solution of vinegar in sensitive places and on the floor can help reduce the incidence of fish. For this purpose, it is also worthwhile to reach for lemon juice.

It is interesting that Even a piece of potato can effectively help deal with these insects.

  • Place the slices or raw potatoes in half with the interior slightly hollowed on a square leaf of aluminum foil.
  • We put it all on the floor eg. in a bathroom or kitchen.
  • The smell of starch attracts the Švehla that falls into our trap.

    At the same time, it is also necessary to remember regular cleaning and reduction of moisture, so that you do not create an attractive environment for Švehla.

    Mix the two components and create balls. The insatiable ants leave