Żabnica (Latin Lophius piscatorius), also known as Monkfish, is a fish living mainly At the bottom of the north-eastern Atlantic, the North Sea, as well as in the Mediterranean. It is also found off the coast of North-West Africa. Caught at depths from 200 to even 1000 metersis valued in many European countries, especially in Spain, Portugal, France or Great Britain.
In Poland Żabnica is a luxurious fishavailable mainly in specialized fish stores or in large delicatessen chains. Its price is quite high and ranges from 180 to even PLN 250 per kilo. It can also be found in the menu of exclusive restaurants specializing in Mediterranean cuisine, e.g. in Warsaw, Krakow or the Tri -City.
Żabnica is an extremely healthy fish. Is characterized by low fat and calories – There are only about 85 kcal in 100 grams of meat. Is an excellent source of full -fledged protein, which has a positive effect on muscle structure and regeneration. In addition, it contains omega-3 fatty acids that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, reduce cholesterol levels, they have anti -inflammatory and strengthen the body’s immunity.
In addition to protein and omega-3 omegica It provides vitamin A, necessary for the health of the eyes and skin, B vitamins, including B6 and B12beneficial for the nervous system, and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium, which support the health of bones, teeth, muscles and immune system.
Żabnica is a fish that requires proper treatment in the kitchen – Too long thermal treatment can make it hard and rubberous. Usually, about 10-15 minutes of cooking, frying or grilling is enough.
Baking is one of the most popular ways to prepare the frog. A simple and effective recipe is a baked frog with butter and lemon. To prepare it, you need about 400 grams of fillet, a tablespoon of butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Meat should be gently seasoned, pour melted butter and bake at a temperature of about 200 ° C for about 20 minutes. Served with baked vegetables, salad or simple potato purée is a wonderful, elegant dinner proposition.
Another interesting way to prepare the frog is Ceviche preparation – meat is cut into thin slices or cubes, marinates in lime or lemon juicewith the addition of fresh herbs, onions, chili peppers and salt. Such an attachment impresses with freshness and delicacy of taste.
In Spanish or French cuisine, Żabnica often goes to soups and stews. Bulion based on frog is a real taste feast – meat is added to vegetable broth, with the addition of onions, tomatoes, carrots, celery and spices. An intense, aromatic broth is created, which can be served as an independent dish or base for other dishes.
Source: NowowoPuje.pl