Appropriate waste sorting is essential in terms of the environment. Part of the waste can be recycled, reducing the consumption of raw materials and reducing the amount of waste in landfills. However, some people may have a problem sorting certain materials. This includes, among other things, aluminum foil. Where to throw it away?
Where to throw aluminum foil? Problem waste often ends in the wrong trash
Aluminum foil is a commonly used product, among other things, for packaging food or protection against deterioration. It is also used for cooking – more specific baking or barbecue. Mnho people may have some doubts about what container should go aluminum foil Respectively aluminum foil. It turns out that the answer is very simple.
- Aluminum foil must always be inserted into a yellow container for metals and plastics. Aluminum is a material that can be recycled. However, remove all food residues before placing this waste in the yellow container.
Problematic waste. Where to throw beverage cartons from milk and pockets from spices
Aluminum foil is not the only waste that can be difficult to sort. There is a lot of other problematic waste. Where to throw them away?
- As for drinking cartons from milk or juice, they should go to yellow containers for metals and plastics.
However, people often throw them into blue paper containers. This is a mistake because these cardboards should not be treated as plain paper – These are multi -material packaging, which must be properly recycled.
What about the bags from the spices?
- Very often these packaging are lined with aluminum foil. If so, they should be placed in a yellow metal and plastics container.
- If the pockets are only made of paper, we should throw them in a paper container.
What container should I throw out used toner? To none. You’ll be surprised what to do with it