The burnt pan can spoil the joy of cooking and cleaning it can be really difficult. However, instead of using chemicals, choose natural and ecological solutions. Few know that egg shells are a great means to remove burns! Not only do they effectively clean surfaces, they also have many other practical use in the home.
Do not throw them in the basket. Egg shells have wide use in the home
Egg shells consist mainly of calcium carbonate, which accounts for up to 95 % of their weight. The remaining 5 percent are other valuable minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, as well as proteins and collagen. Thanks to their structure, they can act as natural, fine abrasive – similar to sandpaper, but in a milder version.
Thanks to their alkaline reaction, they effectively neutralize acids, so they are often used to improve the taste of sour coffee. Simple adding ground and steamed egg shells to a coffee machine filter to make coffee or coffee machine in a cafe can reduce the acidity of the beverage. Egg shells are also a great addition to the fertilizers for plants and a natural way to strengthen nails and skin – they can be a component of home peeling.
How do you use shells to clean the pan?
- 3 egg shells
- half a cup of warm water
- 1 tablespoon of baking soda
How to prepare a cleaning mixture?
To effectively remove burns, you only need a few steps. What will you need?
Wash the shells thoroughly, dry and then grind them in a gentle powder or crush them in a mortar. Add a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of soda bicarbonate, then mix. Apply the resulting paste to the burnt surface of the pan, wipe with a sponge and rinse with water.
In the case of fatty spots, you can add a little dishwashing product. This mixture is suitable not only for cleaning pans, but also for removing deposits from the oven, sink or bath. However, it is not recommended to use it for teflon pans as it can damage their surface.
Egg shells are used not only in the kitchen. You can use them to prepare an effective fertilizer
The use of egg shells for cleaning is not only a way to save money, but also an ecological alternative to chemical cleaning agents. Thanks to their properties, they help not only to combat burns, but also function well as a nutrient fertilizer for plants. Reduce soil acidity, repel pests and protect vegetables from disease and rot. Their use in the garden is very easy – just crush the dried shells and sprinkle the plants.
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