I pour 1 teaspoon of this, and even felled tulips rise. In this way you will make them stand longer
Flowers cut in a vase often waste and fall very quickly. Even the most beautiful bouquets can fall after 2 days. Few people know that cutting flowers is also worth taking care and exist. Tulips are truly. Women often get them as part of Women’s Day. Tulips are symbols of spring and until Easter will be the most -chosen cut flowers. To make them stand in a vase as long as possible, it is worth taking care of them. Remember that the basis is water. It is not enough to pour it into the vase once. Water should be changed regularly. It is worth doing it once a day. Thanks to this, it will be fresh all the time and adverse bacteria will not develop in it. A great way to extend the life of tulips in a vase is to pour 1 teaspoon of sugar into the water. This agent will stop the growth of bacteria and mold in water. Similarly, 1 teaspoon of salt (sour water) or 1 aspirin tablet will work.
How to care for cut tulips?
Before you put the tulips in the vase, it is worth taking care of them properly. Tulips do not like the company of other flowers. They work best in the form of bouquets created only from tulips. Before putting the flowers in the vase, remember to shorten the stems by about 3 centimeters. Cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees, thanks to which you will increase the surface that absorbs water. Tulips should stand in large vases in which they have a lot of space. It is also worth making sure that tulip leaves are not immersed in water. In this case, they can start to rot quickly. If there is a lot of leaves and are immersed in water, it is worth removing them. In this way, the tulips will be fresh longer.