6 typical attitudes of narcissistic people (you should be careful)

by Andrea

Avoid falling into emotional games and don’t try to change these people, after all, they hardly see their own mistakes

(Photo: Illustration/Pexels/Jessica Ticozzelli)

What defines narcissistic people? Well, you may not know, but narcissism is a personality disorder that can cause many problems in personal and professional relationships.

Those who live with someone like this can feel constantly invalidated and sucked emotionally.

If you suspect that someone close has this profile, pay attention to these signs.

6 typical attitudes of narcissistic people (you should be careful)

1. They are manipulators

For starters, you need to understand that narcissistic people are masters in manipulation.

They can distort facts, lie or use the famous gastling to make you doubt your own reality.

After all, their goal is always to have control over others.

2. Do not feel empathy

Moreover, one of the most striking features of narcissism is the inability to feel empathy.

This means that these people do not care about the feelings or difficulties of others.

They may even pretend concern, but deep down everything revolves around them.

3. They always want to be the center of attention

For narcissistic people, the world must rotate around them.

This is because narcissists have the need to be admired all the time, and if that doesn’t happen, they can get angry or dramatically act to turn their attention to them.

4. Need for approval

Don’t be fooled! Despite the apparent confidence, many narcissistic people are extremely insecure.

They seek constant approval and depend on external validation to feel good about themselves.

If they do not receive compliments or recognition, they can react with anger or if they make victims.

5. They are usually envious

As stated earlier, although they try to seem confident, they are extremely envious.

They cannot stand to see other people succeeding or receiving attention.

They can try to reduce their achievements, criticize their choices, or even copy their lifestyle to look superior.

6. Decrease the conquest of others

In addition to envy, these people are always trying to reduce the achievement of others.

Whether in the professional or personal environment, a narcissist hardly recognizes the effort.

Instead, he tries to minimize or take credit for results that do not concern him.

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