Advertising contracts from ministries, banks and state -owned companies () can reach R $ 3.5 billion this year, after the conclusion of bids that are open for the selection of advertising agencies.
The expansion occurs at the time the president tries to his government. In January, Lula da Secom (Secretariat of Social Communication) of the Presidency after publicly the work of the portfolio.
The petista also wants to expand the dissemination of programs he intends to put as brands of the third term, such as the Ministry of Education’s Péca-de Méia programs, and more access to experts,.
Public agencies linked to the federal government argue that the expansion of advertising contracts improves transparency and the promotion of information on public policies, with the dissemination of actions played by ministries and states.
The total amount of advertising spending forecast considers 21 federal government agencies that have contracts already signed with advertising agencies or open bids. Among them, there are four in progress selections that total about $ 700 million.
The main dispute is for R $ 380 million from the post office, a state -owned company that has stopped investing in advertising in 2019. Now, the company says it wants to “reposition the brand” and which disputes the national orders and logistics market with large companies, including multinationals that invest heavily in advertising “.
The Post Office will only be lower than (R $ 750 million), Secom (R $ 562.5 million) and Caixa (R $ 468.1 million). The smallest account of this group is that of Infraero, which provides for an investment of $ 7 million per year.
At the end of the management of (), the advertising contracts of federal agencies totaled about R $ 2.5 billion in amounts corrected by inflation. This figure considered the accounts of R $ 83 million from Eletrobras and Chesf (Companhia Hidro Electrico do São Francisco), which were privatized in 2022.
The value of contracts takes into account a forecast of the total that can be spent by the organs. Therefore, this figure is usually larger than the amount effectively disbursed, which depends on advertising plans and the demand for advertising.
The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, for example, allocated R $ 90.3 million for advertising in 2024, although the portfolio contract had a forecast of expenses of up to R $ 120 million per year.
In addition to the post office, other agencies decided to invest in advertising under Lula.
Inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology) recently signed a contract of R $ 40 million, divided by two agencies. SERPRO (Federal Data Processing Service) made a deal of $ 10 million.
Before these hiring, the two organs had no advertising accounts.
In the specific case of, the survey of Sheet He considered the amounts effectively invested by the advertising company in 2022 and 2024, instead of the figure set in the contract. The reason is that the state company does not use an annual value contract, but a longer term agreement with agencies.
In July 2022, Petrobras signed a 900 -day contract, in the amount of R $ 375 million, with two agencies. This agreement was renewed in January 2025, for the same period, with investments forecast of another R $ 474.25 million.
In general, advertising funds are used in the production of advertisements and, especially, in the purchase of space in communication vehicles. The agencies have a percentage of the campaign value.
Under Lula, vehicles from Globo Group from government for advertising ads. The company became the Bolsonaro government, behind Record and SBT.
The TCU (Federal Court of Audit) concluded in 2020 that technical criteria were missing in the distribution of funds to TVs open by. In the following years, Globo has once again led the ranking of federal advertising, albeit close to Record.
Last October, the court cited new flaws and determined mechanisms to better estimate the costs and return of advertisements. The process evaluated the “financially financially vulptary advertising campaigns” from Secom.
Campaigns aim to inform society and disseminate rights, says Secom
Sought, Secom stated that its campaigns to follow the institutional task of “giving broad knowledge to the society of the policies and programs of the federal executive branch” and “disseminating rights”, among other points.
In a statement, he stated that advertising funds “reflect the expansion of new educational policies” and that the folder budget has also risen 40% compared to 2022. The ministry commanded by (PT) has an open bidding that should increase the annual advertising contract, today of R $ 27.4 million.
Caixa said it is the main partner of the federal government in the operationalization of public policies and that develops commercial activities “that require the institution to stay competitive in the face of competitors, including advertising.”
“Bank investments in this area strictly observe legal and budgetary limits and are compatible with the size and complexity of their business,” the institution said.
Banco do Brasil has stated that it has “compatible” contracts with acting in the “fierce national and international financial market”. He also stated that he measures the participation of advertising campaigns in their financial result.
“For example, in one of these operations, every R $ 1 invested in advertising we find R $ 1,200 as a financial result, in addition to other criteria, such as brand image formation,” he said.
Inmetro said that although the contract has a value of $ 40 million, the forecast of advertising spending this year is $ 10 million.
“Advertising campaigns are preventive and educational, seeking to clarify society about the correct handling, exposure and marketing of products and services, in order to reduce risks to the safety of the population and curb crimes against the popular economy, with fraud and irregularities,” said the institute.
Serpro has said it operates in the competitive market and that 70% of marketing shares will be focused on “marketing challenges”.
“This means covering a portfolio of more than 80 solutions, while the remaining 30% are directed to the strengthening of the institutional brand,” the agency says. In the bidding for choosing agencies, Serpro also mentioned that it should conduct an advertising campaign about its 60 years.