Agreement in Syria: Kurdosirias militias accept their dissolution and union to the new Damascus government

by Andrea
El Periódico

In a historical agreement signed at a time of maximum tension in Syria, the leader of the Kurdosirias militias of YPG, Mazlum Abdihas accepted on Monday night the dissolution of his group and integration – both of his militiamen as his Political administration– To the Syrian State.

This has been signed by Abdi in an agreement made together with the interim president Syrian, Ahmed Al Sharaafor which Abdi undertakes to end the Kurdish autonomy In eastern Syria in exchange for “the guarantee of respect for representation all Syrians and their participation in the political process that the country lives”, after the defeat of the former Syrian president, Bashar Al AsadDecember last year.

The Kurds of Syria, during the early years of the Asad in power, were considered Second citizens In Syria, and even less: many were even denied passport concession. During the years of the Syrian civil warThus, the east of the country created their own political and military administration, the YPG and the Syrian democratic forces (FSD)which served as a spearhead to USA In the international fight against Islamic State (EI).

“We agreed that the Kurdish community is recognized as an native community within Syria, and its Right to citizenship and full constitutional rights, ”says the text signed on Monday by Abdi and Sharaa, which ends with The limbo in which the Kurdish administration was from the fall of Asad in December and with the fear of the growth of hostilities between Damascus, Türkiye “The great ally of the current Syria,” and the Kurdish militias.

“All the military and civil institutions of the Northeast of Syria will be integrated into the Syrian State, including the border stalls, airports and oil deposits“, Continues the text, which ensures the commitment of the YPG and the FSD in the fight” against Asad’s forces and any threat to the security and unity of the country. “


The text signed on Monday, however, does not mention the future of the Fields of Al Hol and Al Rojwhere the Kurdosiria militias, since 2018, enclose about 40,000 allegedly members and combatants of IS and their family and children. In these fields, despite the fact that most locked up are Syrians, there are hundreds of European citizens, whose governments have, to date, rejected repatriate.

During the last weeks, Türkiye He has been positioning to be in charge, in the future, for the control of these fields, together with Jordan.


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