BBB25 poll: Who do you want to eliminate in the 8th wall of the season?

by Andrea

Who will be the next eliminated from BBB 25? With the 8th wall defined, the elimination happens next Tuesday (11), when another participant will say goodbye to the house.

and vie for public preference to continue in reality.

The dynamics of the week began when and gained the chance to buy power in the unprecedented. Earlier, the gymnast opted for, which cost her 1,800 stages and allowed his vote to have a double weight in the vote of the house.

In the formation of this Sunday (9), with the power of leadership, Maike indicated Vinicius directly to the wall. In the confessional, Thamiris was the most voted, receiving eight votes from the house.

Already in the phase of countergolpes, Thamiris chose to pull Aline to the bellinda. Right away, Aline was entitled to another countergolpe and indicated Gracyanne Barbosa to complete the wall.

Finally, in Proof Bate and Return, Gracyanne Barbosa managed to save herselfleaving Aline, Thamiris and Vinícius in the dispute for staying in the program.

Vote: Who should leave between Aline, Thamiris or Vinicius?

Vote below in the poll of CNN Who you want to leave the reality show next Tuesday (11). The poll of CNN It has no direct effect or relationship with Big Brother Brasil, from TV Globo.


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