In store half, next to raisins, nuts and other dried fruit dates. These healthy dried fruit can be used in many desserts and sweet dishes, for example, adding them to cakes, cookies, as well as porridge or yogurt with fruit and nuts. Check, What else is worth knowing about dates.
Dried dateswhich are the most popular in Poland, in 100 g they contain 278 kcal and 75 g of carbohydratesof which 64 g is sugars. However, in addition to the dose of calories and sugar, eating fruit will provide the body with a dose of vitamins and minerals. The most contains B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, coppermanganese and iron. At the same time, he will complement the demand for fiber and antioxidants.
For this reason, eating dates It neutralizes the action of free radicals. This will affect reduction of the risk of cancerneurodegenerative, circulatory system or inflammation development. In addition, premature aging processes will be slowed down.
Dates will have a positive effect on the nervous system. Active ingredients will increase the nerve conduction rate. Will lower the stress levelwill facilitate falling asleep and allow you to improve sleep efficiency. Regularly eaten will work antidepressantwill support mental health and improve your mood.
High fiber content in dates will take care of the digestive system. The fruit regulates the rhythm of bowel movements, preventing constipation. Meaning that will improve intestinal peristalsiswhich will make it easier to get rid of deposits and toxins from the organ. At the same time, they will ensure a feeling of satiety for a long time, which can support slimming.
The dates component can also influence nand the level of cholesterol in the blood. Frequent consumption of date fruit will slow down cholesterol absorption. Thanks to this you can count on lowering LDL faction level.
Dates can be eaten both fresh and after removal. In Polish stores, he meets most often dried version, whichand it has a much larger amount of kilocalories And a sweeter taste.
If we do not care about such a sweet taste that is intensified after removal, Better to eat fresh dates. Such fruits not only They are less fatteningbut at the same time they have lower index glycemic. At the same time, they retain exactly the same components of the conditioner as the dried version.
Dates can be eaten as Independent snack, supplement to desserts or even fresh salads. Although they are delicious, they should not exceed their recommended dose for consumption. You can eat a day from 2 to 3 dates. If this value is regularly exceeded, it may have A big impact on our health and figure.